The Reaction to Trump's Interruptions of biden Is Hilarious

I love the knocks on Biden for descending to the level of the . . . President.

Anyway, Trump probably did a good job of reminding a lot of women of any bullying, boorish, abusive, controlling, gaslighting, and all-around-awful ex-boyfriends they’ve had. That is: he remained on brand.


What did he pay in 2016 and 2017? Oh it was net $750.

Trump could clear this up and make NYT look like true fake news. One page. That’s it. Why not?

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You too?

I’M NOT BLAMING ANYONE. You made that up.

I’m saying it wasn’t one sided like you libs are wont to characterize it. Nothing more.

You don’t know what trolling is.

Stating facts, in response to your post, is not trolling.

Not only that, the terms of the debate for the past thirty years have been totally set by the right wing of the United States…but they are such noble silently suffering victims of bullying.

No he couldn’t because he stated at the beginning of the debate that they could spend the 2 minutes talking about whatever they wanted. The debate was screwed from the start

I love this.

We should pin this to the top of most threads as a helpful reminder.


That was a specific segment, not the whole debate. He tried to get them back on the question several times.

ETA: I was incorrect. There was a free for all in each segment.

My apologies @sikofit

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I would change the format.

When a candidate is getting his 2 minutes of uninterrupted time, the other candidate’s mic should be off.

But I wouldn’t do it in 2-minute chunks. A whole lot of statements that need to be addressed can be shoved into 2 minutes. Do 30 seconds. Let the opponent address that. Do another 30 seconds. Let the opponent address that. Etc.

And when time is up (whether 2 minutes or 30 seconds) the candidate’s mic gets shut off.

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That’s not true at all.


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How is the Boston Globe different?

Nowhere am I saying I support Trump’s antics and behaviors. You gave a great example of why I am disappointed in Trump last night.

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If my unscientific sampling of social media is any guide, Margaret is exactly right.

My guess is very few kinds have been changed and now it’s going to be about turnout.

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It is absolutely true.

The supposed “liberal media” is not proactive at all…it’s reactive.

It makes its arguments on the terms set by the right.

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I heard a good one here: Trump is “accountable but not responsible” lol.

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I would like to see that too but there is no chance of it happening as both candidates would have to agree.

I would reverse that. He is responsible for what happens on his watch. But he refuses to accept that responsibility i.e. no accountability

Wallace screwed up on the second segment. He cut Trump short and went to Biden, patronizing him in the lead up to Biden. It set the tone. The second segment was concerning ACA.

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