The Rapture and the Real World: Mike Pompeo Blends Beliefs and Policy

Yes, I do if laws are based on the bible and not the Constitution. Was Kim Davis right to turn people away for marriage licenses because she hated gays?

Thank you. You seem to have very strong beliefs on the subject. Are you suitable to hold office?

Are all strongly held beliefs the same?

Ok, I understand.

No, she wasnā€™t.

Iā€™m a science student, have three dogs, and take care of my 91 y/o mom. I have no time for being an elected official. But if I was younger, maybe.

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ā€¦and yet, in creating our country, the founding fathers purposefully recognized The Creator?

Are all religious beliefs equal and valid?

We also used to hunt with sticks, we know better now

Yeahā€¦I know.

Imagine a timeline where a Muslim President states that his religion is guiding his beliefsā€¦

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Ooooo sneaky is playing a gotcha and now will link to the fbiā€¦

Exactly, cause you know the FBI is in ā€œdisarrayā€ or whatever

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Because we hate the government

Certainly to any other religion, agnostic, or atheist? Thought that would be obvious.

He apparently canā€™t, kind of the purpose of this thread. Also thought that was pretty obvious.

Depends can you put your strongly held belief aside to do your job?

Thatā€™s not at all what I gleaned from earlier comments. What is concerning is anyone using the eschatology of their particular faith as a guideline for their foreign policy recommendations and decisions.

so does Pompeo only support Israel because he think they are all going to die to start the end times?

If someone believes their actions have no impact on the world around them I also donā€™t want them in charge of anything involving me.

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Read what I referenced and maybe youā€™ll understand my point.