The Problem Isn’t Access to Firearms

An open carry state…How could this happen, you’d think it’d be safer.

Said Virginia Mall.

MacArthur Center is private property. In order to provide a safe, secure and pleasant environment, MacArthur Center requests your cooperation in complying with the following “rules of conduct” to be followed by all patrons.

Weapons of any type are not permitted on center property.

How did anyone get shot at the Mall, weapons are prohibited?

Maybe some new rules are in order. Let’s double prohibit weapons.


Carry In Vehicle… YES
Must Notify Officer …NO
Carry In State Parks Allowed… YES
No Weapons Signs Enforced …NO
Open Carry Permitted YES
Constitutional Carry NO
See Details

It’s not an “open carry state”. The only state in which you can carry is unloaded.


The sign doesn’t carry the force of the law.

That doesn’t pre-empt private property rights.

Try open carry in Macarthur Center Mall.

But you knew all that. :roll_eyes:


What does that mean to you?

That’s not “automatic gunfire”.

Why is there always a backward ball cap?


Dudes who think they’re hard. They think they have what it takes. They always talk ■■■■ and are loud about it. Always dress flashy. In reality, they are idiots.


Gun laws also only apply to residents of states. Which is to say, if a bad Californian guy wants to wreak havoc in California, he need only go to a different state to buy his arsenal and then return.

Not true.


Totally true.

Edwin Meece III, Mark Levin’s guest on April 1, noted that biological parasites take advantage of a weakened system and focus in on weak systems to plunder their resources. Crooked politicians are social parasites and do likewise. The polis degenerated in ethical health first, the population moving away from God and moral goodness made the political realm attractive to the political parasites. Heal the body and it will eject the parasites. Remove one set of parasites without healing the body and more parasites will take their place.

Good people need to spread education in practising virtue throughout the body before the parasites can be kept under control.

That is not true.

No it isn’t.

Nice try, that’s a oft proven lie the gun grabbing anti-2A ■■■■ for brains community continues to trot out when these types of shootings occur. Could the weapon be from out of state? Of course it could be from Mexico too or some other place stolen and sold on a black market.

I had to laugh. Perfect.

“Ghost guns”
“Assault weapons”

Pavlov’s drooling dogs.


Has anybody seen what kind of guns were used? I only saw police recovered a “stolen handgun”.

I could see some value in increasing the penalties for having an illegal gun, if you have been through the courts and have a record of criminal violence.

But not for restricting guns for law-abiding citizens who need to protect themselves from the former.

Why? They don’t enforce them now.