The Problem Isn’t Access to Firearms

Lanza, Crumbley, the whole sorry lot of them, nope. That isn’t the problem.

THIS is, with a warning that this article isn’t for the squeamish:

How do you not know you have such a lovely kid? :nauseated_face:. Weren’t there signs before the Michigan shooting, like bizarre poetry or drawings that IIRC a counselor OK’d terror child’s return to class?

The problem id discontinuation of long term mental care in institutions for such individuals. Why can’t states that OK’d closure of mental hospitals, but failed to live up to promises of halfway houses, be sued instead of manufacturers like Remington?

You can still be involuntarily committed. Problem is, predicting who is and isn’t going to go on a killing spree isn’t easy.

The parents appear to be grossly negligent in many areas concerning their son, his mental state and purchasing him a gun. What the hell. If they didn’t know how poor a decision this was, they sure should have known and are complicit in the deaths of those students their son murdered.


Honestly my teen shouldn’t give anyone the creeps. She isn’t cruel to animals nor to friends’ younger siblings.

Haven’t had any more than minor reports from the school, like tardiness to class. And I wouldn’t even think to purchase a firearm for her.

The Crumbleys should be indicted as co-conspirators. More later.

Michigan Shooter Ethan Crumbley's Mom was Having an Extramarital Affair, Ignored his Violent Drawings.

One great big happy family. Odds are boyfriend isn’t sticking around.

Now with kids in particular with mental problems and parents with their heads up their rears, does anyone know how stricter firearms will help?

A man on a cross country journey from Washington state to Florida figured out how to live without a firearm. That man was Ted Bundy :nauseated_face:

Shouldn’t that include say every parent of a gang member who murders someone as well?


Yes, it should …

In fact, it should include every parent of a gang member, regardless of what the kid does in the gang.

The left is pleased about trying these parents, how do you think they feel about our suggestions?

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Snort. Hand wave. Dismissal.

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We are reaping what we have been sowing for the past 60 years.

And the current trajectory is just the front of the wave.

We have corrupted the human soul, and corrupt souls are corrupting subsequent generations.

Laws won’t fix that.


Wait until all the antifa soldiers being trained in public schools get a little older.

In all fairness, “death squeals of baby birds” is how Rolling Stone described the latest Kayne West album؟


Most stringent gun laws of any state in the country.

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Here they are:

How are they stricter than those of other states?

Here’s another shooting that appears wasn’t random in that state?

4 victims of Southern California mass shooting identified, as suspect charged with murder - ABC News.

It appears no suspects have been arrested in the Sacramento shooting, and I agree, stricter firearms laws won’t help.

I wonder what percentage of individuals in such incidents showed signs of more than mild mental illness and may have benefited from, or at least kept the public from harm, if institutionalized?

What are the laws in Texas? Georgia? Montana?

Similarly, State law generally makes it illegal for a person to openly carry a gun. This applies to the open carry of both:

unloaded weapons, per Penal Code 26350, andloaded weapons, per Penal Code 25850 PC.

Further, California’s gun laws make it a crime for a person to carry a concealed firearm or concealed weapon. This crime, however, will not get charged if a person has a lawful concealed carry permit.

Look at the requirements for permits.

“Gun laws” only apply to law abiding citizens who are legally able to procure and own firearms in accordance with those laws.
It will be interesting to find out if the weapon(s) used in this gun restricting bastion of safety Sacramento , were legal owned.


Look at the requirements for permits.

My Florida CCWP like many other states is not reciprocal in CA.
Doesn’t matter, I’m not interested in going there anyway.


All others. California has zero reciprocity

But of course…


To your point, even with a permit issued by your state of domicile there are limitations.