The Presidential townhall with George Stephanopoulos

It was a very pro 2nd Amendment, pro-Bible, anti-socialism ignore.


My favorite part is how we can easily find memes on this very board about how trump stole universal healthcare idea from the libs.

That monkey with the hubcap is probably still running with it. Hey mr president save the monkey produce the plan?


Real talk, that townhall was ridiculous. Trump and his supporters literally have the same script. His answers were all base on the narrative him and his supporters been spouting for months. Hell, some of the stuff I heard last night has been repeated here on this board a countless number of times. From herd mentality/immunity(punk ass know there isn’t going to be a vaccine until next year), to the non-answer he gave in regard to the relationship of MAGA and the black community, to him still not taking any responsibility for his failures.

Saying the president was outstanding says a lot… :sheep:

Ambush a stable genius and his very big abrain? Unpossible.


His plan…get rid of the ACA.


This probably should have been an end thread right here.


Yeah. It seems Fox doesn’t believe Trump did well at all. And it’s not his fault either. He was set-up! :rofl:

Waiters. That’s who! Holy crap he is an imbecile.

If the desired effect was to make him look stupid, it was very effective.

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It’s not ADHD, he just doesn’t give two ■■■■■■

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Alternative realities :wink:

Why are you trying to gaslight us?

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Her Mom didn’t die of COVID though, Trump wasn’t listening to her. Her Mother died of cancer.


Yes they would, but that’s part of what this election is about. There are millions and millions of people who just want to go back to normal and take there chances. All of those people will vote for Trump.

“go back to normal”…trump’s America?

It’s a test. If you laugh and point your finger at the notion that President Trump is a clever word-smith then you are less likely to donate to the Steve Bannon Defense Fund. You dodged a bullet @acsirip


or not. experience in sweeden and brazil suggests otherwise

Normal, meaning pre covid. I hear lots of people saying how sick of masks and social distancing they are and I don’t live in a conservative part of Pennsylvania. I don’t agree with them but there are a lot of them out there.

Brazil has 133k deaths and counting.

We would already be out of wearing masks had the Federal Government done their job and led on the Coronavirus response. That means testing and tracing, not handing it off to the states. That means mobilizing supplies and materials to hotspots, not making the states scramble for swabs and then overbidding them. And that means leading. Telling Americans the truth and assuring them that the Feds are doing everything possible to contain this and what all Americans need to do to make this go away.

If we had any other President in our history, we would already be on the other side of this.