The President to release FISA docs

As if that was the only time Obama did such, psst, not even close.


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Why do you think it was right for Henry Louis Gates to be arrested in his own home? The policeman, Sgt Crowley, said in his report that he believed that it was Gatesā€™s homeā€¦ so why do you agree with the arrest of a man in his own home for the charge of disorderly conduct? Charges which were later dropped.

Being on your own property does not make you immune from a disorderly conduct charge. Many thousands of people have been arrested on the same charge for less.

So you support the power of the police to arrest people in their own home for Not being polite enough?

That really is pretty bonkers right there.

His actions went beyond not being polite. He was being disorderly, period. And again, being on your property is irrelevant, you arenā€™t immune from the law because you are on your own property. And he wasnā€™t in his house.

The charges were dropped.

He was in his home.

Being rude to the police is not a reason for arrest, and it never should be.

Again, he wasnā€™t merely rude, he was engaging in tumultuous behavior. And charges being dropped is not proof the arrest was unwarranted. I am done with this conversation, itā€™s not remotely timely and itā€™s off topic for the thread.

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Hey manā€¦ you are the one who brought it up.

I will keep in mind that being ā€œtumultuousā€ is an arrestable offense to some.


I didnā€™t write their disorderly conduct law. Take it up with the Mass legislature.

What Gates did was technically illegal.

Amazing stand to take there.

Technically illegal, is a synonym for illegal.

Wish I had a nickel for every idiot I have seen yelling at cops, causing a scene and saying, ā€œI know my rights, you canā€™t tell me not to yell at youā€ who had the cuffs applied and hauled off on a disorderly charge, would be a nice little pile of nickels. Of course not many of them have a President intervene on their behalf.

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i just assume everything Trump says is a lie.

Trump is the most transparent administration in modern history. Remeber Obama lying about that, lol! Iā€™d like to know what the e-mails Hillary erased said as she was sec of state. ā€¦ But she foiled the FOIA. Rich democrat privilegeā€¦


Be a good little sheeple and do what the blue tell you to do.

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Then why say he wants to release the full report?

Unfortunately your argument has been squashed by the man you defend