The President should invite Nancy to go to the border with him

Why do you post things that are patently false. The “vacation” the Conservative Entertainment Complex got so worked up about was a trip to look at hurricane recovery in Puerto Rico. One Senator went to the pool and got photographed. Many people, myself included (and I have been on many business trips) take a few minutes away from business on such trips. Big deal.

Many Democrats have been to the border to inspect the detention facilities where the Trump Administration cages children it has taken form their parents. And while not politicians, I know religious leaders in the liberal northeast who have been to the border and to the immigration courts down there to bear witness.

Its a lot easier to have a meaningful political discussion if all parties stick to reality dontcha think?

Stacy Abrams has never mocked anyone for their weight.

Fat Donnie has.

You’re welcome.

Yep, anything goes now. Anything Donald does everyone can do, including Democratic politicians. And I better not hear any Trumplicans complaining either.

Congratulations, So have you!

This morning I received a fundraising letter from Fat Donnie where he repeatedly referred to “Cryin’ Chuck”.

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I have no problem hitting back at the bully.

Supporting the man is the same as supporting the man’s actions.

Slight hand wringing over behavior rings hallow when one lends support to a man who is so cruel.

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Welcome to Trump’s America folks.

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Klassy. Reminds me of Hilary’s comment about the basket.

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I’m learning to bite my tounge more as a Conservative, and overall it is making
me a better man. That’s one thing I’ve had to learn on this site. Bite my
tounge at times, and to be the better person, than to sink to the level of doing
something that violates the terms of use and community guidelines.
I still have problems with it sometimes, and I’m far from perfect, but
I’m trying hard.

By say attacking someone’s character, or calling someone out.
I could flag your post, but I’m not going to. I’m going to try and calmly,
and rationally reply in a respectful manner.

So none of their Liberal donors were there then?
Like Facebook, Amazon?

Trump cages children? Proof please?

It’s interesting how that works every country there is a modern wall Hungary, Turkey, Israel they all report the same up to a 93-99% reduction of illegal aliens, yet the richest country all I hear is “Walls don’t work” they actually work very well were they are up.

I know. I love this! Everybody is claiming that their own fat shaming is cool but the oppositions fat shaming is evil. Funny stuff, all of this justification.

It’s hitting back at the bully.

The opposite of full-throatedly supporting the bully.

I got a fundraising letter from Fat Donnie today where he repeatedly referred to “Cryin’ Chuck”.

Have you thought about not supporting the number one bully in the country.
Come on. Be best!

I was not aware of Facebook or Amazon being present. In the past I thought corporations did not go on trips, but heck Corporations are people so I guess anything is possible. If you are suggesting Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos attended, you might be able to provide evidence of that. My reading was that it was a Congressional delegation doing fact finding in Puerto Rico.

If you suggest that a fair number of Congressional fact finding trips are, in fact, boondoggles, we can probably agree on that, as long as you accept the stipulation that members of both parties take advantage of such opportunities.

Trump cages children? Proof? The children taken from their parents at the border as part of Trump Administration policy were placed inside locked wire mesh structures in warehouses. Those are cages.

If you are going to complain about giving offense you might think about “President Trump… Nancy.” How about “President Trump… Speaker of the House Pelosi” or “Donald… Nancy.”

You are free to point out where things I assert deviate from reality. I won’t take offense; but I might provide backup documentation.

It wont work on the majority of illegals. Why didnt der trumpengroper go for the wall when he had the chance?Where Does Illegal Immigration Mostly Occur? Here's What The Data Tell Us : NPR

Where are your sources for your claim?

warehouses are cages? If I came here from another country with nothing, and hardly any food, I’d be pretty happy to sleep on a cot, instead of the floor or tents. I’d be happy to have a roof over my head, clean food and water, and running water, and a running toilet.

It sounds horrible! Just horrible! lol

Normally when I think of a warehouse I think of a really large area. Not a closed in cage. But hey! “to each is their own.” Ones persons cage is another persons warehouse with tons of space.

Here is what we know for sure. If any one of us were sitting at a lunch table with three overweight people, there is no way that we would be calling anybody fat in front of them. There would be no fat Donald, no fat Hillary, fat Liz or fat Stacey. Nobody here is that rude in public. We save our rudeness for our screen names. No question about it.

That is such a weak argument lol… first of all warehouses was not the thing being called a cage in the post.

Not Fat Donnie. He freely calls people derogatory names in the media, in public and on social media.