The precedent the GOP is setting

Yes. Horrible hypotheticals based around an argument that will fall apart anyway can be fun.

How did the whistleblower find out about the call?


Educate yourself.

Why is that a horrible hypothetical? You don’t think Democrats would take advantage of this? Why is the president’s lawyer presenting horrible arguments that are just going to fall apart?

Then refer it to the DoJ and have them investigate it.

It was all top secret. Kept in a vault in the cellar no doubt. Only conspirators were allowed to listen. How did the “whistleblower” find out about the call?

They know this. They would be losing their ever loving minds if a Dem president ever pulled this. Their arguments are theater.

No one will take advantage of it because it doesn’t hold up. You will have to ask him why. My guess he will backpedal or “explain” it away.

Wait are you saying that because a whistleblower knew, the entire public did too and it wasn’t secret? What kind of illogical rabbit holes…?

The whole point was that Trump kept this secret until his hand was forced.

That’s a great idea andwhen the Bern wins, he should do it…no question.

My understanding was that Barr heard the conversation.
The evidence was in Ukraine. What could the DOJ do until Ukraine investigated? Then, if necessary due to what was found, they could have been handed any evidence.
DOJ was supposed to sit around Washington looking for information in Ukraine?

But I forget…they know this.

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The “whistleblower” knew because Trump did not try to keep it secret.

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A million to Trump is a million dollars to Trump. Please explain what possible reason he would do that if he was a never Trumper

And that’s why this is so important to Dems right before the election period. They look at their candidates and they know they desperately need some other way to get rid of Trump. Or as Schiff said, the voters cannot be trusted here.


That is not even remotely true. Otherwise they wouldn’t of tried to hide the whistleblower report.

I mean its not like it was only last month that they were still denying any of this even happened

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Rudy Guillianis son works in the white house dispute no experience in the job he filled.
Bill Barrs son in law works in the white house.
Trump hired his daughter and son in law dispute any politcal experience.
Eric Cantor makes 2M a year sitting on boards. Guy was a career politician. What does he know about business to deserve that pay?

What on earth are you talking about?

What evidence?

Or should I say, evidence of what?

Or hide the call on a secure server.

Baloney. The only reason they handed the transcript over was because they were forced to. Not a secret? Come on man…