The Pentagon is Punishing Military Members for Conservative Likes, Posts, & Shares

  1. Paranoia
  2. Pentagon “policies” are now being instituted by Saul Alinski devotees.
  3. A fighting force is not a political social experiment where monitoring thought, proper pronoun or gender identity takes precedence over the mission. To have a highly trained, motivated, equipped, supported and supplied military that can kill the enemy, break things and decimate their ability to do the same.
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I agree. Dead people can’t argue because they are dead.

You can’t prove your point.

That was my point.

I can’t prove my point that the covid vaccines are overwhelmingly safe?

Roughly 12 months of data, including data from tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials, show that the vaccines are safe and effective at preventing serious disease or death due to COVID-19.

During the first 6 months of the US COVID-19 vaccination campaign, most adverse events reported to surveillance systems were mild and short-lived, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in The Lancet Infectious Diseases. The study examined safety data collected through the new v-safe surveillance system and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

Safety data from more than 298 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine administered in the first 6 months of the US vaccination programme show that most reported adverse events were mild and short in duration.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization (EUA).

Is the COVID vaccine affecting military readiness?

From a quick search, that question has been asked but I can’t find any answer one way or the other. I did see that back in oct 2021, 97% of active duty were partially vaccinated.

3,000 Marines - take a guess.


I’m guessing 3,000 marines didn’t get the covid vaccine?

Kicked out for not.

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“COVID-19 vaccines protect against COVID-19”

This line right here is a lie. I have a cousin in the hospital in New York right now with Covid, and she has had her shots and boosters. I talked to her just this morning.

Brandon had it twice and Jill has it for I think the second time. Fauci had it twice.

That’s a bummer. To think they didn’t complain about all those other vaccines they took in order to be Marines. What a waste.


The Marine Corps report doesn’t give specific figures, only stating fully and partially vaccinated percentages that indicate just 2% of the active force and 7% of reservists remain unvaccinated.

It’s not a lie. And I’m sorry to hear about your cousin.

2% is not significant.


Just sayin…

You have to be in it to leave it.