The Pentagon is Punishing Military Members for Conservative Likes, Posts, & Shares

The Pentagon needs an enema starting with “Retired Four Star General” Austin. He’s complicit with the wokie ideology poisoning the US Military. If he had the cujones he should have soundly rejected this madness declaring the US Armed Forces off limits to political ideologies. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coasties should be trained and led to be a fighting force. Our adversaries aren’t concerned with gender ID or pronoun use. They are training their militaries to kill us fer crissakes. What the ■■■■■

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This is about the pentagon updating their policies around military personnel and extremist groups. Specifically prohibiting “online interactions that might promote terrorism or the overthrow of the U.S. government, as well as attending rallies, fundraising or organizing in support of those ideologies.”

And the first thing that comes to y’all’s heads is that this is somehow targeting conservatives. That’s so telling.

That is the point. It wasn’t and NOW cannot be held against anyone.

Sure the military can make the rule and then wonder why recruiting vanished. Free will always wins.

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Right on!

They use “might” because …

The instruction also lays out a two-part process for verifying the activity. Step one is the report, but step two involves leadership speaking with the service member, to see whether liking an extremist tweet, for example, was intentional.

“… it’s going to be very case-specific, and will be up to the individual’s chain of command, and his or her senior leadership in the unit, to have that discussion, that determination, whether this was a very deliberate act of active participation in extremist activities, or whether it was maybe a mistake,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Monday.

They use “might” because it is prior restraint.



Oh, you mean people who have never served their country day in their life and have no clue what it’s like to be a real man. :wink:


Yep. That’s them.

It certainly is. :rofl:

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They are free to move to a terrorist country and live happily ever after. Not that they would because most terrorists are cowards when confronted by someone their own size.

Videos show the cowards hitting people from behind. They hit and run and think they are really something. Cowards also use our children against us.

THIS faux vaccine is killing young people.


Sure it is, keep telling yourself that…


People can make their own choice.

All vaccines have risks. The covid vaccines are overwhelmingly safe.

I will.

Does antifa or setting up your own government within Seattle count as extremist?

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Rather than calling out Oath Keepers, III-Percenters or Proud Boys ― then inevitably facing questions about Antifa or Black Lives Matter ― the Pentagon chose to prohibit the promotion of certain kinds of messaging.

“We were very conscious of not focusing on any particular ideology, or any political organization, focusing exclusively on actions,” an official said.

That official is lying, and you bought his lies.

Sure thing.

The dead people can’t argue with that.