THE Official Unoffiial Midterm Elections Results Thread

Thanks in advance

I wonder how many governorships the dems take today. Since they will have veto power over redistricting in 2020

Very cool indeed. Pushed up little prat needs to go back to selling timeshare

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Or go back to Russia.

I’ll have a single margarita early on. Then closer to bed hash plant if dems aren’t doing well, xanax if we are (to relax and get to sleep quickly).

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I just voted for the fourth time, vote early, vote often! Go dems!


Before he became a Russophile, Rohrabacher was playing a lot of footsie with the mujahadeen and the Taliban. It’s amazing that he is still around politically after that to play more footsie with Russians.

No fair! I only got to vote twice!

Good point!

Everyone should use this thread to report all of the voter fraud that they see today.

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Yeah, if you hurry between poll places, you can get off a few votes at least.

One thing I’ll be glad of living in Georgia is for the campaign ads for Governer to go away. I’m sick of em. Though we do have a chance that the race could go to a runoff and I really really hope that doesn’t happen.

Good Rye… Templeton. Oh geez where to begin :man_facepalming: :grinning:

If you want a good rye you go with a three or four year Willet or 1776 and if you are Mr. Money bags you go with Kentucky Owl or EH Taylor.

I’m betting at least eight.

Getting closer!

Did he tell you to prepare for Nancy…


538 has it 24 states for dems 26 for the reps but the 24 are much larger population wise.


Mia Love going to lose?

Is trumps immigration policies hurting her chances.

Maybe @Snow96 can give us the inside dope.


Not so sure of that.

You have your hates and I have mine…if I see one more Mikie Sherrill flying a helicopter or calling Tom Malinowski a liberal ad, I am going to barf…


Walker been buried before only to be resurrected on Election Day.

The man has been brought back from the dead more than vlad the impaler.

Maybe today is the stake in the heart. But don’t hold your breath.
