The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

Joe Potato Head is not only “campaigning” but touting “millions of jobs” he’s created.

■■■■ you Joe


He ran on it to begin with. When he won he ran on it. Promise made promise delivered

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Sure. And campaigning.

There is a difference between campaigning and actively being on the campaign trail

Again desantis culture warrior leadership was campaigning and yet his numbers completely changed when he announced and started running.

Switch. Have a good day.

It’s not a switch. I have been discussing campaign trail this whole time. You too.


My second post to you in this discussion. I was always discussing trail.

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Fine. But you didn’t answer the question.

And if he is innocent it will be overturned.
And if it is not. What will you do/
Do Trump supporters support the judicial system?

Do you support our judicial system?

Dumb question. The system isn’t the problem. People abusing it is.

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It seems The Storm Is Upon Us.

Criminal trial starts Monday, falsifying financial records to cover up paying off for having sex with a porn star while Melanie was home with his baby. Strangely he didn’t want the fan base knowing about that.



Trump is 100 percent correct. Iran was in check during Trump term.

The price we have paid is quite high.

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Donald Trump: Israel Attack ‘Would Never Have Happened’ Under My Presidency

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Hahaha no it wasn’t. They funded and armed houthis. Why do you think sa needed arms from United States

There is a handful of you guys who can’t remember five years ago

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Iran litteraly shot missiles at us bases injuring over 100 soldiers during the time he was in office.


Trump has learned that the line is the easiest thing for him to lie about and his supporters eat it up.


After elimination of Soliemani.

Iran sanctions did the heavy lifting.

Not weak rhetoric.

Read the truth.

Donald Trump: Everything Joe Biden ‘Touches Turns to Sh*t’

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So trump hit Suelamani and Itan Hit back with missile strikes on US troops injuring over a hundred.

Israel it a Iran embassy and iran hit back with missiles and drones strikes

The exact same thing …

Except that trump played down the attack on troops when it happened and said it just cause some slight headaches.

And just recently stated on Univision

They hit one of our drones and I hit them. And it was now their turn to hit back. I just told this two weeks ago to a group and they found it somewhat fascinating. They called us to tell us that we’re going to hit back. Here’s the target, but we’re not going to hit the target. We’re going to just miss it. It’s a military base. You know what I’m talking about. It was quite an evening. And they sent in 18 drones. Five of them self-destructed. The rest of them, essentially missed the base. They were outside the base in areas where there weren’t. Nobody was killed. With all of that, you know, being out there. But they called us. They called me and they told me, look, and this is Iran. This is it. You know, so this is Iran is supposed to be so hostile. They respected us. And I respect them

Yeah, he, According to his own words allowed over 100 us troops to get injured and then didn’t respond in kind but just took it.

On the other hand Biden with this strike, Biden managed to get Jordan and Saudi Arabia to not only open their airspace to Israeli fighters but actively use their own fighters to help defend Israel by shooting down drones and missiles.

So yeah…this would never have happened under Trump…

The reason Jordan and Saudis helped was Trump Abraham Accords.

Thanks for pointing that out.