The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

And what was happening when he did that in March of 2020?

Was it shut down before that?

will you quit whining?


Comparatively, yes. Illegal entry, like other crime rates is comparative. If there is a huge crime rate after police are done away with, it is not a legitimate argument to say…yes, but there were crimes committed before.


So, can I put you down for being OK for corporations, and wealthy people can spend as much as they want to influence elections and the legislative process?

I thought you did not like corruption.
I know we can never eliminate 100% of corruption, but giving them a free pass is destroying our democratic republic. I prefer the Oligarchs did not have so much power.

IMO…these large sums of cash being donated should be outlawed and SCOTUS was wrong. That said, that’s the tip of our corrupt iceberg. Congress outlawed insider trading when it was exposed on 60 Minutes back in 1998 but a short time later, they again approved it for themselves. Biden has been in office for 50 years and looky, looky…has several million dollar mansions. Yep…makes perfect sense.

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Trump worked very hard to shut down the border while the corrupt politicians in office fought him the entire time. Do you remember that or are you developing amnesia? How hard did he work just to get the funding? Then when he finally got it approved and began construction of that big, beautiful wall…Biden stopped it and told illegals to “surge the border”. Now…do you remember that or do you have amnesia?

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Those large sums equate to billions of dollars. Many of it is dark money as well.
I am with you regarding insider trading…it should be banned.

What did he do?

Wait…I thought you were bitching and whining about SCOTUS? Now it’s corporations?

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Sounds familiar.

I blame the horrendous SCOTUS Decision that enable corporations and oligarchs to bribe pols, that affects both the electoral and legislative processes. It is a cancer on our democratic republic.

Only republican appointed judges supported that.

Well it seems to be working out great for your side. So quit whining.


Trump did not have any say. Tell me why did five senate democrats veto the senate legalize the invasion bill?

My side is wanting a healthy democratic republic. What is your side?

Sure your side does…


You were there. Now stop it. Brandonites own this illegal alien bull feces. Trump handed Biden a flush and he folded his corrupt hand.


It does…many Democrats and liberal leaning independents would prefer CU be overturned .

Ahead of Constitution Day on September 17, 2023, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) reintroduced an amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision, which removed campaign finance restrictions and enabled entities to spend unlimited money to influence elections.Sep 14, 2023

Today, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) introduced a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, and once again allow for reasonable restrictions on corporate campaign contributions and other spending.

Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) is introducing an amendment to the Constitution that would end corporate personhood, reverse Citizens United, put power back into the hands of people, and make it clear that money does not equal speech.

You don’t remember either?

It’s all here in Hannity Land. Look it up. YOU are on the losing side. Correction…YOU caused us all to be on the losing side.


Don’t worry,I will not make you post a bunch of out of context quotes to try and prove your point.

You want to take a win…go for it…