The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

That dirt bag Vindman should be on the front line saving Ukraine.





So he is only down one point because he is cheating?

And people are buying into his cheating?

How nefarious.

Democrats have over performed the polls ever since 2018.

We see how empty his “rallies” actually are :joy:

We see him walking empty streets and tarmacs and doing “fake waves to the crowds” for the camera :joy:

What happened to that red wave :joy::laughing:

I can see right on this website the gnashing of teeth over continual electoral losses :purple_heart:

He will not be shedding his title of One Term President.

trump is gaining ground with youth vote now…

even the kids see what’s going on. it is pretty obvious. it’s also obvious to them how useless democrats are….


I’m trying to think of a situation where either one of them loses Pennsylvania and wins. That state is going to be flooded with ads.


Trump meets his PO today.

Never thought I’d say that about an ex-President, but, yeah, he’s meeting with his PO.

Doesn’t look like he’ll have to give a UI, since he’s at MAL.

He also gets to have his attorney with him, which is a departure. Maybe his attorney can stay awake.

It’s a good time for him to make a good impression.

I mean, your PO can make your life easy, or real, real hard.

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Showing remorse at the meeting with his probation officer will help down the line too.

But with Crooked Donald, unlikely :laughing:

Would love to be on that zoom…

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florida and ohio used to be bellwether states too. it just depends on where they decide to rig the hardest. trump prob would have win PA last time if their leftist SC didnt loosen ballot restrictions or if they didnt mule ballots etc

2000 of them lolololololololololol?

Quick, get Dinesh on the line!

chip away at your ignorance. if you dare


Ooh, 2021 flashbacks.

"An investigation found no reason to file a criminal charge against a man who dropped off multiple voter ballots at a downtown Scranton drop box last May, Lackawanna County District Attorney Mark Powell said.

The district attorney assigned county detectives to investigate the case in October at the request of county Commissioner Chris Chermak. Chermak obtained video through a Right-to-Know Law request that showed the man dropping off multiple ballots at the county government center drop box May 17, the day before the 2021 primary election.

“We have thoroughly investigated the complaint filed by Commissioner Chermak and have found zero evidence of election fraud,” Powell said. “Absent additional evidence, we do not believe criminal charges against the gentleman seen dropping off ballots at the Lackawanna County Government Center are warranted at this time. There is no evidence that he fraudulently harvested votes.”"

yes. “flashback” alright. to narrative building

“So the implied allegation that he was ‘stuffing’ the drop off box with fraudulent ballots simply is not supported by the evidence,” Powell said.“

i didnt mention anything about harvesting “fraudulent” ballots. just harvesting

“Powell did not address whether the man violated the law by just having ballots that weren’t his.”


“(county commissioner) Chermak, who opposes the use of ballot drop boxes because of the difficulty monitoring them, said they continue to concern him. “

still obviously a concern, and he was obviously harvesting

of course it gave you another reason to bleat “no fraud found” huh?

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Investigated by sheriff’s department, no fraud found.

But keep pretending and regurgibleating!

The distributor actually pulled that Mules movie off the shelves it was so chock full of lies.


again…. AGAIN i am talking about harvesting, not fraudulent ballots.

and that still remains a concern for them as my post shows. there is no pretending

sorry i keep making this apparent again i know you all worked hard on this narrative

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Investigated by sheriff, nothing to charge.

You’re taking nothing and pretending it’s something.

Very 2000 Mules.

but didnt address the harvesting. ‘member?

“Powell did not address whether the man violated the law by just having ballots that weren’t his.”

no pretending. they are concerned too. reread my post. i know it burns

Why no arrests, trials, convictions?

Nothing burger.