The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

It’s almost like people think that Trump lost New York by 97 points. Millions of New Yorkers voted for him.

There is a complete disconnect between perception and reality.

No. That reality was lost once Biden let Garland know he needed to stop acting like a ponderous judge and Garland complied.


So the answer is no… there is no reality where Trump loses and the election will be considered legitimate.

Good to know.


And trump supporters try to tell us its not a cult!!!

Appreciating and abiding by the Constitution…a cult…???


So funny.

This is just for NJ. Still impressive.

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This is meme done right. :rofl:

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This is not about Trump. This is about misuse of the justice system.

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No mate its about making a single human into an entity that can do no wrong and cannot fail only be failed.

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Sorry but anyone who believes the only
way Trump will lose the election is because of election fraud are way down the cult rabbit hole.


This is the realvideo from the rally.

Nice crowd,but not the numbers claimed.

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You are the only one doing that.

Take a break.

Odd statement since I never said that. If he looses, he might have lost without the lawfare. However, we would never know and the lawfare makes the election illegitimate.


That is a lot of people.


Your mental gymnastics are in top form today.

Compare that to a biden rally. If he ever has one



You don’t have a lot of room to talk. Were you not in the biden showered with his daughter thread defending the senile old pervert biden? Talk about a cult. Anyone who defends what biden did and does not condemn biden is most certainly in a cult.

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I did not defend anyone. I said it was weird (i actually said ■■■■■■■ weird) and I would not do it. How is that defending him.

Questioning if there is evidence to convict Biden of child abuse is not defending him.

Anyhoo that is a different thread. But please show me where any Biden supporter has said if he loses its because of voter fraud and no other reason? The MAGA cult act like its Trumps divine right to be POTUS.

The people will have their say in November and if Biden loses, fair enough, my life will not change dramatically regardless of who wins. I certainly will not be screaming voter fraud like we know the cult will do if Trump loses.

Lot of words to try and pretend you don’t support and defend a senile old pervert. Just like a good cult member. Like a good cult member you circle the wagons and believe that biden can do no wrong and must be reelected to save the country. You act like biden is some god who can do no wrong and when he does you blame his wrong doings on others.
If trump wins there will be riots, looting and burning. And you will be here defending the looters like a good cult member. And will be crying first amendment. Freedom of speech. Mostly peaceful.
Before trump even took office 2016 all you democrats were planning on how to remove him from office.
Calls for impeachment before he took office. Calls to use the 25th amendment. We all remember.
And you think your better than a trump supporter.