The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 1)

I think this argument is exactly why the shine is off trump.

It’s hard to be an ‘outsider’ when you in fact were the boss of the entire ‘inside’.

His die hard supports will still claim he is, but the middle voters see him as another politician…

Which brings to mind another point - perhaps even more pertinant.

The flavor of his rants since leaving office is all about grievances and inside baseball politcal stuff…the election, Mitch and his wife, brags about his endorsement record, etc…

Where are the rants about things that affect americans day to day?

At that time and this…I despise politicians. As a reminder that I said at the time, Trump was my personal suppository that I was shoving up the anus of the US called…DC. My bias is for the good of all…not one side or the other.

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Lol true i missed that.

Not a fan of bumper stickers myself but I can laugh at a good one regardless of target.

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This work for you?

The pop up video lacked detail and was bland. Typical pitch from a pol. asking for money.

The larger video lacked spark as well.

He’s gonna need another ‘build the wall!’

I don’t know…he just seems kind of lame.

Don’t get me wrong, I hate the guy. But last time, he was at least exiting and I could see why people fell for his ■■■■■■■■■ This time, so far, meh…

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How about this one?

We know China hasn’t bought Trump.

It sure does look like China has a receipt for Biden.

This post is exactly why it’s pointless.

Plenty of self assuredness, little self awareness.

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Little better. I don’t know…‘china is buying up our country’ just isn’t the same as ‘Build the Wall - and Mexico will pay for it!’

Just seems a little typical…did he do these kind of videos in 2016?

Sure did and in 2020 also.

This one has more salsa…

I don’t know…again, the DoJ? FBI? all that stuff is exciting to politcal junkies I guess, but it just seems a little…whiney, you know?

Like, how does it affect ME if the DoJ doesn’t like YOU?

That’s a Trump problem…

Not really we just saw how they colluded to censor on twitter.

Very important 1A topic.

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You think?

You think most voters care about a politicians status with a social media company? I jsut don’t think that is important to most folks.


Trump will “run” all the way to the primaries and then he’ll drop out.

DeSantis is gonna poll higher than him in those early states and he doesn’t want to lose.

1 percent chance he starts his own party…the Sore Loser party.

Your POV comes from an odd place.


Republican’s are on it now.

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Interesting… this hope that Trump changes…

You don’t think he has?

I think it’s like this:

In 2016 his last gig was being a game show host. He got to shape his image, be the big shot and show the country this fun, bombastic, decisive version of himself. And that image rolled right along with him on the campaign trail.

That image what what we knew. It was who he was.

Now, his last job was POTUS. Whatever you think of his time in office, being potus is not at all like being a game show host in terms of controlling your image. Plus, let’s just be honest for a second- he didn’t know what he was doing. He couldn’t be decisive. He just couldn’t.

So now, that’s the image rolling along with him.

And ultimately, that image is a loser based on the 2020 results. So it’s just not that much fun.

Plus he doesn’t have a snappy slogan.

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Hmmm…maybe its a higher chance than I thought.

There is no way that 45 would start a third party and risk handing the presidency over to the Democratic Socialists for another four years. He loves America too much to put himself before the grass roots patriots.

IOW…if you want to win, you have to cheat better than your opponent. It should be mandated, all votes are done in person, with identification proving you are who you say you are. If you have a doctor’s excuse based on medical reasons or you’ll be out of the country, these would be accepted exceptions. Our elections need to be more guarded to insure fraud is not present…PERIOD and all of us should be united in demanding this election integrity…unless YOU are a part of the problem?

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