The Official 2022 Midterm Election Thread

There’d be a lot fewer voters.


Media was working on old folks. There was a Marketwatch article that showed up on my iPad the gist of was Why do Republicans want to cut social security by a third? Instead of getting inputs from Republicans on whether they wanted to cut SS, the whole article accepted this as true and went into the dire effects of cutting social security. Imagine you rely on SS and run across that article?

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Five thirty eight only gave her a 97 out of a hundred chance to win it based on polling. So it wasn’t just the GOP who is surprised.

Don’t question the results.
Don’t question the results.
Don’t question the results.
Don’t question the results.
Don’t question the results.



The case blaming American democrats for global inflation is just too weak.

Senate and White House go red in 2024. :wink:

…as the whole country bleeds red during this entire time.

We don’t normally take both houses back during a midterm.

And don’t question the results. :wink:

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Not really. The predominant viewpoint of increasing spending and reducing fossil fuels with no real alternatives is not limited to the US. Rather, the blame should be shared. The spirit of Davos lives.

There has been nothing normal about the last two years, which is why I had some hope…that’s now gone. :cry:

Hope for what though? This is just a soap opera for entertainment purposes only.

Nothing is actually going to get fixed just because red or blue wins a race. Quite the opposite, actually. :wink:


Oh…thanks. I feeeeeeeeeeel so much better now. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


One more for icing. :wink:

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FL lost a lot of people to covid. Particularly in the months AFTER vaccines were available.

Our county in NJ changed voting machines. We had ancient, rickety, dew the curtain, push a button kind of things.

Now we have super cheesy paper ballots into the counter kind of things with these idiotic cardboard shields you are supposed to use to hide your vote until you put it in the machine…

Seems way sketch. I don’t think it was a good change.

I wish Johnson lost in WI.

I think the added pressure of another campaign is going benefit Warnock.

Apparently the timing of the Oz-Senator elect Cabbage brain debate was perfect. Mail in voting was already behind them. Wonder how many PA mail in voters woke up today, looked in the mirror and said: “mother ■■■■■■■■


All 4 seats in Long Island NY went Republican.


It’s not. Reread my post. And knock off the hostility.

FOX is saying the House of Representin’ is still up for grabs?
