The Official 2022 Midterm Election Thread

The what movement?
Have not heard of this.
Actual honest question here, he is now my Senator and I afraid to google it…lol

A few of these races make me not like 3rd party candidates. There’s at least 2 of the close ones spoiled by the libertarian candidate, assuming most libertarians would vote R otherwise.

I often will vote L, but can’t help but think 2 L candidates just left the Left in control of the senate.

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Nevada is still out and Georgia is going to a runoff so there is still a chance to eek 51 of course I could wake up tomorrow and Nevada be gone. Congratulations to the Democrats for doing well in the senate. I personally don’t agree with the Fetterman choice. I get everyone else that was elected but a person in Fetterman’s shape should have never ran he can hardily form a sentence. Other than that congrats to them.

Looks like split country forever maybe the GOP will be smart and elect DeSantas in 2024. I don’t hate Trump but he is ruined part because of the attacks, constant hearings, and impeachments. The other part is on him not knowing when to shut up.

I am going to rethink my opinion that debates are just political theater because I have to wonder if Oz’s comment on abortion during the debate sealed his fate with woman voters.

Then again Fettermans performance during the debate due to his health issues was incredibly poor. So who knows.

That race…IMO…describes the US right now. When a thing like Fetterman can win…“we” are lost.


When you run one turd against another, inevitable one turd will win.

Fetterman and Oz were both first class turd candidates. Pennsylvania voters evidently thought Fetterman was the less runny of the two turds.

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Brains were not involved in this.


Don Jr. still has this tweet from 6 hours ago up

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Republicans didn’t use their brains when they nominated Oz. Any other candidate would have won and likely handily.

How long until Fetterman resigns due to health? He clearly isn’t competent to hold office and with Shapiro to appoint a successor…

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Trouble with that is that any appointed successor must face the voters in a special election in 2024. If Republicans pick a better candidate and Republicans have a decent cycle, they could take the seat.

I heard a new term today “rust belt progressive-ism.”

It would sell well here. Hollywood trendy or Brooklyn trendy or CNN focus group trendy don’t sell well here but there is plenty of room for a “working families Democrat” to win.
If the Dems found a candidate who isn’t trying to play to the “college progressive young people echo chamber” he’d be an easy favorite.

One advantage going forward for Republicans in the Senate is that in 2022 there were 21R seats up and 14D seats up for election. In 2024 this switches to 21D seats up and 10R seats up for election.

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It really depends on the state. I think WV could flip, but what other state senate race held by a Dem is mostly red?

Looks like the democrat run national economic implosion will now continue…

Mercy, I thought the republicans could at least slow it down a little…

Now it will continue basically unimpeded…

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At least I am spared a Governor Beto.


All Florida State Legislative races have been decided.

Florida House of Representatives went from 76R, 42D (2 vacant) just prior to the election to 85R, 35D.
Florida Senate went from 23R, 16D (1 vacant) to 28R, 12D.

Meaning that Republican’s will have 2/3rd’s supermajorities in both houses, in addition to complete control of the Executive Branch and effective control of the Judiciary, voters having retained all appellate Justices and Judges.

Most other State Legislatures have not yet completely panned out.

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Actually it looks like the polling was generally solid all around. It looks like most of the races they predicted would be close were, and did not seem to underpredict the Republican numbers.


I never considered that voters would be fine with inflation.

Apparently they are.


Won’t matter in PA.

Mail in voting turned PA California blue.