The Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread

I didn’t say it was. And Trump was a reaction to Obama.

Oh, now you’re trolling again.

I appreciate your point, and admit THAT is the big open question - can any republican politician do Trumpism without being Trump? It will be interesting to watch them try.

That’s not really the question IMHO. The question is will Trump’s most ardent supporters, support someone with the same policies but who doesn’t live to troll the other side every day? Because a decent person with Trump’s policies will attract a lot of people who voted for Biden this time around. Especially if the Dems keep moving left.

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True but Trump’s personality also got him a lot of votes. There’s something uniquely Trump that made him so popular. Take that away and I don’t think the next Republican running on an “American First” ticket garners such a following.

Trump’s policies without Trump is just someone lowering taxes and regulations and getting conservative justices on the court he had someone pick for him to appease people who can’t stand him.

Though that ignores things like wanting sharp spikes on the border fence to cause more harm, trying to get a Muslim ban, trying to lie your way through a pandemic. These things aren’t just personality quirks they were a part of his presidency too.

Yeah, this is such an interesting question.

Honestly the answer is, If you support Trump’s policy rhetoric without Trump you should be voting for Bernie Sanders or Warren.

Take on China, govt. paid HC, support for blue collar workers…

But if you support his administrations actions without trump, you might as well vote for Bannon…

I guess what I am suggesting is, Trump’s personality is what people are voting for. And I don’t think anyone can do trump but trump.

Honestly, the administrations slap dash, ineffective and probably most important, unclear and inconsistent, response to the pandemic is what cost him this election. The razor thin margins back this up IMO.

True, but now Republicans have to live with not calling out a president who openly attacked the very core of our country with lies designed to benefit only himself.

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Yeah. PA GOP consciously decided to do this this way for exactly this reason - throw doubt on the process, and give the administration targets for lawsuits.

Look at TX. Their GOP legislature said count the votes ahead. they were done on election night.

But I suspect they knew TX would go red. PA wanted to muddy the waters. And they succeeded.

RW media will help them all snap back to their former shapes.

I think their biggest challenge will be attracting a base next time around. I don’t think there will be boat parades for candidate ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham. They just don’t have Trump’s…charm?

Those two, certainly not. Hard to forget their emasculation at the hands of Trump.

It has to be another outside the beltway TV personality. Like it could be Hannity honestly…

That I can see. Another “DC outsider who talks like me”

Trump supporters don’t want a nice person with America first policies. They want a troll, I mean “counterpuncher” with America first policies.

He generated turnout based on the sheer number of people who are attracted to his trolling. I don’t see another establishment Republican doing that.



You don’t get to back away from Trump now.

You own him.

And you get to own Obummer and Communism.

I’m not backing away, because I was never close to him.

Your move.

So much angst in this thread suddenly after posts and posts about a blue drip.

Fake election!

Illegitimate !

Not my President!

But but what happened to all the love and congratulations that was being spread around. I miss that

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You think you know everything, but you don’t. Not by a longshot.

If I were to vote for personality, Biden would have gotten my vote this election as would Obama when he was running. I can’t stand Trump’s personality but I did vote again for him since I do align better with him on issues.
I believe Trump lost because he’s a self absorbed blowhard. I believe he did so well because so many like myself align with him on issues. Had Trump learned to keep his mouth shut and stay off twitter, he’d likely have one this election.