The Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread

Let me know when evidence surfaces. Trump has the entire federal government at his disposal to uncover it, so far judges are throwing him out of court.

Where? And by whom? Do you believe that there is evidence just because Trump said there is.
IMHO he is going to embarrass himself if this having evidence is a lie.
Trump has talked himself into this whole election was rigged deal.
And he said today that it is going all the way to the SCOTUS. And just today three Trump campaign lawyers went before three judges. And all three were kicked out of the courtrooms because they couldn’t produce any evidence of foul play. And if there isn’t a single judge that will rule on their suits there is no way that this gets in front of the high court. Game over.

trump himself. He railed and railed about the evils of mail in voting so most of his supporters avoided it. Thus the majority of them by far are Biden votes.

When something plays out as predicted its not a coincidence and nothing went poof.

Not why cons avoided mail in voting, they didn’t trust postal workers, and I don’t blame them. Same reason I don’t mail bundles of cash.

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Oh ok…so all of the people who predicted post election shenanigans because it would be easier to tamper with mailed in ballots were right.


And yes several big leads ha e disappeared and all of them just happen to be in swing states the President had a solid lead in …

Pretty coincidental…

Anyway I got that off my chest…won’t matter in the end I ve already said Biden’s going to end up being president…God help us.

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I enjoyed this.

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Yes, this. It is the opposite of a coincidence.

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Well you can add the president to that list. And uniformity a bunch of this supporters are going to believe it also. It is really disgraceful for him to be critical of our election system. And the fact that he can’t believe that maybe he isn’t everyone’s favorite president.

What are the shenanigans? How do you propose this is being done?

Not true in AZ, but they are mostly for Biden because of the reason I already stated. How much lack of proof will it take to convince you there was no tampering?

Hillary called and said hi.

The Biden plan was to flip the three states that Trump took by less then 1% and gave him the EC in 2016.
Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. They focused their efforts there. And the DNC also focused a lot of effort there. Remember Trump took those by 0.7% or less. He had a razor thin win in 2016. They never counted on Florida or Georgia. But if you look at the list, Trump held all of the states that he took by three points or more. The exception being Arizona. And he can blame himself for that. He went after John McCain and the folks just paid him back.

When Trump came out after the 2016 election and claimed that he really won the popular vote because almost five million votes were illegal, I thought that his supporters would realize how much of a BSer he is.
Didn’t phase them then, and his latest BS isn’t going to phase them now.

It;s bad optics, most of the swing states having delayed counts is just bad optics and guaranteed to fuel conspiracy theories, something I believe Trump warned about… Which is no excuse for him throwing gas on the fire. If you are going to do mostly mail in ballots, learn to count them as they come in. Or at least prep them for rapid machine counts.

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Didn’t the GOP sue to keep those states from counting votes early? Forcing them to start counting on election day.

Some states made changes. Some states provided additional funding. And some states were stubborn and didn’t do anything. And the Feds sure didn’t help at all. And then there is the story of Pennsylvania. There was a proposal to change the dates of processing to shorten it up. And the Republicans there shot it down.

GOP beginning the feeding frenzy as Trump family attacks lack of Republican support:

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I wasn’t assigning blame to one party or another. Only saying, the atypical nature of this election is ripe for conspiracy theorists. And could have been avoided.

Same here…Lightnin’ Hopkins style.