The Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread

Why? It can b assumed he will behave badly, based on observation of his past. Seems a bit boring to me.

Trump’s entire existence is predicated on creating a spectacle of himself for attention. People are free to tune out. I never watched any of his reality TV stuff. Was it any good?

With the vote so close in so many states, I wonder if that first dreadful debate failure could have made the difference…especially with early voting being so common.

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I was referencing his past in office and the primary but yeah I watched a couple apprentices, not very good but better than say Big Brother, which is the class it was in.

It didn’t help. But it wasn’t the nail in the coffin.

Donald survived COVID physically, but it killed him politically.


I admit I gave up on reality TV after MTV’s Real World season in San Francisco. Figured at that point regardless of series or setting or cast it was just the same melodrama.

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Aww now you want to act all serious. I’m afraid that that behavior cannot be taken seriously- my deepest apologies. :heart:

Must rankle the left, he would have won but for an act of God. must fuel many bitter tears.

That is certainly my opinion as well. No COVID, no economic crash and much fewer credibility issues.

It wrecked his re-election hopes.

I watched like twenty seasons of real world. I know, people hate reality tv, I liked it, I like Alone now, love people stranded in the wilderness and starving for ratings. I am not a very good person, I just realized. whoops.

lol to each his own. I liked it fine (MTV’s Real World) when I watched, but it lost its appeal quickly. Each new season was just the same thing in a new town.

I’ve seen snippets of American Idol on youtube, but never sat through an episode. Some of the contestants seem to have had genuine talent/skill.

A quarter of a million people sacrificed their lives to get rid of this piece of crud.

I don’t mean to be cavalier about the dead and dying. Just speaking to the pandemic’s effects on Trump’s political life in terms of cold hard math.

What I find interesting is the question of had he conducted himself differently, even on a superficial level, in response to it would enough voters have given him the benefit of the doubt this week.

The challenge was better, added some athletic competition to the nonsense. Love American idol but I am a musician so it’s up my alley. Liked Jersey shore too. I watch serious films and whatnot but I am not above garbage tv

Yet you fail to understand that the pandemic is not Trump’s fault. But go on.

Right on. What do you play?

Guitar, blues lead and rhythm

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Election fraud being perpetrated by fat donald and co.

“Republican officials in Wisconsin sent an email to volunteers on THURSDAY urging them to contact Pennsylvania Trump supporters to get them to turn in their absentee ballots. This as Trump warns about votes coming in POST election day”

Daily Beast, pass.