The Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread

More than likely. Trumpists are total divas so I can see them hitting the octaves necessary to break glass. :wink:

As IF the constitution GAVE states rights.

So none yet? Pansies. Libs wouldā€™ve destroyed everything by now. lol


Only a matter of time.

I am in Trump country, I donā€™t hear anything yet. Standby

We arenā€™t gonna lose. :wink:

Interestingā€¦Iā€™ve went to Washington state website to track my ballotā€¦and Iā€™m not even registered.

And how are people voting twice.

Once a person votes they are checked off the voting roles as eligible to vote during that election. There are protections in the system to prevent the same voter voting twice.

For example, I requested a mail in ballot. However I changed my mind and decided to vote early in-person. The voter roles showed Iā€™m been issued a mail in ballot. That ballot had to be voided before I could even be issued an in-person ballot to vote.

As a matter of fact that is one thing that slows the counting of mail-in ballots, they have to check that the person didnā€™t vote in person prior to approving the mail-in ballot.


Then itā€™s settled. You and your party might want to look in the mirror before bullying and and harassing those who are not like you.

That is false. Pennsylvania has not attempted to extend the time in which ballots can be cast.

Counting ballots that were cast on or before election day is what is being counted. People cannot go into election offices in Pennsylvania and still vote.


One example would be a woman getting two absent-T ballots. One in her maiden name, and one in her married name.

Yes, but what about absent-T ballots that were sent and arrived late?

Only one ballot would get counted.

You know there is this thing called a social security number and voter registration ID that are tied to the same person. The system would show one person attempting to vote twice.


You are unwilling to answer my question after I answered yours?


Not if she voted in her maiden name and her married name. Your second sentence, not in all states. Thank goodness we have that in Oklahoma, but other states (Arizona, I believe) does not have this same security check. This is why voter ID laws are imparative.

Thatā€™s why states require that mail-in ballots be postmarked on or before election day. Once turned over to the United States Postal Service (an arm of the United States Government) they are transported to the election office.

In some states the law is that it must be received by election day, in other states they allow a certain a few days after election day to be be received and counted.

Those are perfectly valid and legal ballots.

Ballots mailed after election day are considered invalid and are not counted.

Aww boo hoo. Call the wah-mbulance. Many liberals do far worse in regards to manipulation and playing mind game games- including the all-to-familiar ā€œpoeing.ā€

Please donā€™t try to play the moral highground game with me. I donā€™t think that would be wise.

I understand. I hope you are okay this evening, sincerely. It will be okay.

I believe you are incorrect. All states validate ballots to prevent double voting.

BTW - I fully support Voter ID laws.

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