The number of Democrats calling to support Trump was staggering

Feel free to post anything that was incorrect in that article.

“worst response”? I’ve got a huge check that the government sent me to keep everybody employed and the business ship sailing through rough economic seas, that I’ve never had to touch…yet…and am having the greatest economic year in my over 39 year business history. Yeah…it’s baaa, baaa, baaad. Son…step away from Vox, get some fresh air and enjoy reality. It really is cool. :sunglasses:

Glad you are profiting. My industry has been ransacked and I got no check l got 50% less compensation and layoffs of 2/3rd of our American division.

Rest of the world only laid off 50% or less.

Normally people learn there is a world outside themselves around age 5.

Some takes a little longer.

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Trump threatened to cut funding for school systems that refused to open. How is that positive leadership?

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Then you should be upset with your Governor. That individual made that decision.

But keep defending Orangeman as perfect. Stay in your Trump bubble, listen only to his talking points, do not look behind the curtain. Do no look at anything other then what you are told. We have always been at war with eastasia. Do not question your leader.

Why, my Gov did things right. My company is international. My division is America, not a state.
We don’t even have a branch in my state (other then the Corp office that doesn’t actually generate revenue).

Like I said, the world is bigger then what you see just around you

My Gov at least made the right call so got an early control of the pandemic so at least my wife’s job is good and I can not be locked down and not that worried about getting the virus

If Trump had acted like my Gov, my company would be in much better shape.

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Speaking of ramps - Trump is supposed to visit the USS NC today. Guess what is covered?

That’s right, the ramp. So no one can see how his handlers have to push him up the ramp in a wheelchair, or how it will take 2 hours to shimmy down the ramp.

So sad how he’s being used.

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Then it sounds like your CEO did not make the right business decisions to take advantage of the programs being offered in which to nullify the economic impact on you and I’m sorry to hear that.

False. Our company was too big and has access to other loans.
Once again, you continue to not understand the world is bigger then just what you see

It’s why my company is still around despite losing 85% of revenue in the US.

But we had to take steps to survive. You want to blame my gov, my CEO, protestors, Dems, everyone OTHER then the man elected to LEAD the Nation in times of a crisis.

The President! Hell, if he had just stopped minimizing it for months we would have been better off.

Might be time for you to talk to some people outside your bubble. But I know, hard to do. Because in the end you have to stick with what you have been told.

Orangeman Perrrrfect. Amirite?!!

You know what’s really questionable, the actual blame here is China…and not once did you state that? Why is that?

No…orange man is not perfect and far from it.

Lastly, before I run to work…I truly am sorry for your economic hardship and hope it gets better soon.

Feds don’t fund schools.

Fed grants are perks.

Just open the schools. This isn’t Polio.


Are you aware of the number of schools and universities that opened, and then had to close due to large outbreaks?

Also, this is Trump his words:

“In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “The Dems think it would be bad for them politically if U.S. schools open before the November Election, but is important for the children & families. May cut off funding if not open!”

Why is he threatening to cut off funding?

Why is it a problem to open and pause if cases spike?

This dance will have to be done.

Respiratory virus will never sleep or go away.

We must dance with it.


Why is it a problem?

What’s worse than telling employees “its time to go back to work!” Then 2 weeks later, “nope, Go home.”

Employees want steady work. Think of the wasted food restaurants order, then have to throw away.

You didn’t answer the question.

Working 2 of 4 weeks is better than 0 of 4 weeks.

MAYBE the spike doesn’t happen. Most schools are not seeing one.

Remind me what you are arguing for again.


I did answer the question. See post above.

Wasting food doesn’t make sense.

What is it that you are for?

I forgot in all the excitement.


Yes, China has a lot of blame. Joe Biden pointed that out in early Feb while Trump was giving interviews and tweeting how well China was handling it. Don’t ignore that.

And thanks. Luckily I have been saving for year hoping for an early retirement. Unfortunately those plans are prob good but I’m ok. The people I had to let go are the ones that keep me up at night.

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That is incredible!

How many taxpayer dollars were involved in covering up the ramp so that old and feeble Trump isn’t seen riding in a wheelchair?

You are 100% right - it is criminal what his handlers are doing to that old man.

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