The NFL needs to scrap its anthem policy all together

So, it’s OK for an employer to mandate employees say the pledge of allegiance or stand for the national anthem in order to get paid or keep their job? If that’s OK, where do you draw the line? If an employer can force an employee to perform an action against their will, what else can they force an employee to do?

They are not being forced to stand for the anthem anymore. They can stay in the locker room.

They weren’t being forced to stand before. Now they can be “forced” to stay in the locker room or “forced” to stand for the national anthem.

Good for you.
I go to football to support and watch my team not a patriotic gesture.

They are being given two options. Certainly reasonable.

Reasonable for who? Are you an NFL owner? Are you an NFL player? If not, why do you get to decide what’s reasonable? It seems many of the players don’t believe this is reasonable.

Simply a fan of the game but they are not being required to stand. If they don’t want to stand they don’t have to stand.

I always thought 'Merica was about individual freedom.

I haven’t recited the pledge of allegiance for decades. I’ll stand. I’ll take my hat off. But I won’t repeat the words. I refuse to because I don’t believe it and I know where it came from. An oath means something to me.

All this crap is about perception costing money. If you don’t truly believe in it, why do it?

Taking a knee is not disrespectful. It is more respectful. It is a sign of reverence and submission. I would never kneel before any symbol of the government. I don’t owe a government of, by and for submission. We are a republic in part to not submit.

It’s their choice. Leave them alone.


Is what’s being asked breaking some law? Is it some sort of harassment? Is what’s being asked detrimental to the safety of anyone?

How is them kneeling not doing their job? Their job is to play football. To win games.

Smyrna’s poem indicates that the employee gets to decide whether it’s acceptable by staying or leaving.

Each individual gets to decide that. He’s free to choose a different employer. And the employer down the street who hears about his competitor’s pledge of allegiance policy is free to advertise a workplace where no Pledge is recited, to entice disenfranchised anti-Pledge workers away from the guy with the Pledge requirement. This is how a free market would work.

Why are they playing football for their team? Why do they want to win? Answer that honestly and you answered your own question.

Their team pays them to play football. Yes?

Our troops sacrificed their bodies and lives so athletes can stand up during a song.

Why do they pay them to play football? Come on now…you’re getting close.

You seem to have decided it’s NOT reasonable.

What team do you play for again?

On their time as an amateur…you’re 100% correct.

Because they are good at playing football.

Alrighty then…stay away from business until you can answer the question. You’ll go broke.

You could just make your opinion.