The NFL needs to scrap its anthem policy all together

I thought this issue for the last couple of days, and have to come to the realization that there’s only ONE solution to this “problem”: End the NFL’s partnership with the U.S military. That means go back to the pre-2009 days: Play the national anthem, then allow the players to come out on the field.

The structure of the new policy makes little sense. The policy states that teams will get fined if their players show “disrespect” to the flag, if you come onto the field during the anthem. Well, guess what, everybody shows “respect” to the flag in a different way. The kneelers are not disrespecting the flag. They are in a praying stance by saying, “we love our country, but feel it needs to get better.” Expressing of patriotism comes in many shapes and sizes, and arguing otherwise, is an authoritarian mindset.

I have yet to see a single NFL who is actually disrespecting the flag. I mean, are they burning the flag on the field? Nope. Are they putting their middle finger in the air and saying “f-you America”? Nope. Are they saying “f the troops”? Nope.

The ONLY reason why people are complaining is because they disagree with the protest and believe that their morals are superior. If players were kneeling for the VA or keeping gays from getting married, the offended crowd would praise the players.

It makes matters worse, when we have a President seems to think that kneelers shouldn’t be allowed to play football or live in this country.

I know what some of you are going to say: “But Calvin, they can always protest in the locker room.” True, but the triggered crowd would still get upset. They would criticize players for NOT showing up to the field. When a protester comes out of the locker room, the crowd can still boo the player. Again, the problem rests on the fact that people don’t agree with the message. And lets face it, we still could have cameras going into the locker room during the anthem. The policy solves nothing.

The best solution is to simply play the anthem and then have the players come out. Seeing as how we cannot be tolerant, open-minded and act like adults, we should end the policy all together.


The NFL just caved to appease loudmouth Trump and his brain-dead cult. Look at the ratings as a result of their immature boycott.


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I agree with you. You’re right. But I don’t think the solution we have now is so bad. The players aren’t forced to come out and worship the state, the offended don’t get offended and the NFL keeps getting a bag of cash from the DoD.

It’s a compromise win all around. What the flag cult really wants is to have the players be forced to stand. This isn’t a full victory for them. And the kneelers are still getting their protest done by not participating. And the DoD literally doesn’t care they just want their uniforms on camera.

It’s pretty annoying to see this happen while controversial civil war statues are still up and defended by the same crybabies, but I’ve come to expect this from the 35%.

Over here the national anthem is only played at finals, to add to the pomp and ceremony as far as I can see, and at international games where both teams anthems are played.I don’t see why the national anthem needs to be played in normal matches.

It’s not a bad new policy per say, but it’s still problematic.

Will the authoritarian right shame players for going into the locker room during the anthem and get criticized for being a “bad” teammate?

Will there be cameras inside the locker room during the anthem?

I hope the new policy works and they iron out the problems.

Those in charge and cut the check, get to decide just what the heck.
The recipients of checks who collect their pay, get to decide whether to go or stay.

I love freedom.

What you appear to love is the wealthy few determining right and wrong for the rest of us.

I guess some might see that as freedom. Others as something else.

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So if your emplyer decided that everyone had to stand each morning and recite the pledge allegiance in order to avoid having money taken out of their paycheck, that would be perfectly acceptable?

They caved because they don’t want to give an issue for the mid-terms…

Its always struck me as idiotic to sing the Anthem at sporting events. You do not stand up and sing before a movie, concert, opera, play etc. So why for a football or baseball game?

Singing a song does not make you any more patriotic than someone who does not.

I expect we are going to see many teams just organizing pre-game events so no players are on the field for the anthem. While that may not be this new policy I expect that will be the end result. I don’t like the kneeling and I would have no problems though if that is how it ended up.

I think part of the problem here is unlike other protests this isn’t one that is clear what they are protesting and why if you just go to a game. Unless you have read things elsewhere and you are at a game all you see are players kneeling during the anthem so it is easy to move to the conclusion they are disrespecting the country. It isn’t like the sit-ins which were clear what they were doing or people protesting at a rally with signs and stuff. There have been many comments in many of the anthem threads along the lines of “you don’t get why they are protesting”. Well some of that is on them since it isn’t clear if you are just watching it which I think also shows that this may not be the best avenue to protest because I don’t think they are actually getting the message they want out.

Let’s just scrap NFL football, since their players want to turn the game into a vehicle for advocating and protesting for their personal politics in front of their customers.

It’s simple, do your job, and don’t practice politics. If I used my work as an opportunity to practice politics before my customers, I’d get fired.

Try taking a knee at a wedding or funeral, when everyone else is rising to pay their respect to the bride or the recently departed, and see if people shrug it off, cuz you were not flipping the bride or uncle Bob the finger.

Failed to
German Football Club
Banned For 12
BERLIN, Sunday
“The Karlsruhe Football Club has
been prohibited from playing dur-
ing 1934 because the team failed
to give the Nazi salute when enter-
ing the field to play against a
French club from Nancy at Metz
in December.
The failure of the team to give the
salute is alleged to be due to the
Frenchmen threatening that they would
not play and the Germans would re-
ceive no compensation if the salute
was given because it was feared that
the spectators would riot.
All sports clubs were forbidden to
take part in French engagements until
the incident had been settled.”


I agree. It was fine the way it was and the NFL screwed the pooch.

I also want to know when they’re gonna start trashing all the fans that are doing other stuff during the anthem. Like, you know, buying beer and hot dogs and walking/caring them to their seats from the concession stands. I guess it’s only the players that have to stop and show respect while on stadium grounds. Grabbing a funnel cake and running to you exit is peachy.

Honestly, nobody cares what happens over there. We honor our heroes with the anthem and will continue to do so.

What I respect is an entrepreneur having a vision, then implementing that vision into something real that creates jobs, tax revenue and stimulates the economy for us all. Financially, they have put themselves in harms way of losing all that they’ve invested. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it but it’s very hard my friend. The stances that those players took cost those entrepreneurs a lot of money. Why? Obviously the players have a different vision. Now ask, why are they all there? Answer…to make money. If the actions of some are going against the good of the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur has every right to make the rules that are in the best interests of why everyone is there. This isn’t communism, it’s capitalism and the owners are free to make the decisions that employees must adhere to.

It really doesn’t do anything, however, other than make people feel good that they supported the troops by standing for a couple of seconds. You aren’t DOING anything special. “I stood and crossed my heart, and if you don’t, you hate America” is a really dumb mantra some around here carry. And that’s not an exaggeration.

Honor and support the troops by going and doing something for them. Volunteer. Donate thing to send to troops abroad. Jingoism isn’t support or honor.

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Is what’s being asked breaking some law? Is it some sort of harassment? Is what’s being asked detrimental to the safety of anyone?

This new policy isn’t going to turn out well for the owners.