I thought this issue for the last couple of days, and have to come to the realization that there’s only ONE solution to this “problem”: End the NFL’s partnership with the U.S military. That means go back to the pre-2009 days: Play the national anthem, then allow the players to come out on the field.
The structure of the new policy makes little sense. The policy states that teams will get fined if their players show “disrespect” to the flag, if you come onto the field during the anthem. Well, guess what, everybody shows “respect” to the flag in a different way. The kneelers are not disrespecting the flag. They are in a praying stance by saying, “we love our country, but feel it needs to get better.” Expressing of patriotism comes in many shapes and sizes, and arguing otherwise, is an authoritarian mindset.
I have yet to see a single NFL who is actually disrespecting the flag. I mean, are they burning the flag on the field? Nope. Are they putting their middle finger in the air and saying “f-you America”? Nope. Are they saying “f the troops”? Nope.
The ONLY reason why people are complaining is because they disagree with the protest and believe that their morals are superior. If players were kneeling for the VA or keeping gays from getting married, the offended crowd would praise the players.
It makes matters worse, when we have a President seems to think that kneelers shouldn’t be allowed to play football or live in this country.
I know what some of you are going to say: “But Calvin, they can always protest in the locker room.” True, but the triggered crowd would still get upset. They would criticize players for NOT showing up to the field. When a protester comes out of the locker room, the crowd can still boo the player. Again, the problem rests on the fact that people don’t agree with the message. And lets face it, we still could have cameras going into the locker room during the anthem. The policy solves nothing.
The best solution is to simply play the anthem and then have the players come out. Seeing as how we cannot be tolerant, open-minded and act like adults, we should end the policy all together.