The New New New Covid Strain

oh dont even be thinking Omicron is mild…

“Covid omicron variant poses ‘very high’ global risk and is likely to spread, WHO warns“

go to re-education camp here:


Always nice to know China’s position I guess.


dont listen to doctors or first hand accounts, etc

we’ll tell you what to think. and your media will listen to us


Virus also grows weaker. Look at the south Pacific islands in the early 1800s, virus that did not pose a significant health issue with the Anglo colonialists killed off a large percentage of Islanders.

Herd immunity is a natural occurance and we may build a resistance to the virus. Pacific Islanders built up a natural immunity in that they do not die of the earlier virus.

Apparently China along with some partners like our NIH played around with gain of function and unleased a genie that has caused serious problems for two years.

I believe the gain of function researchers should come clean on what the hell they did. We are going to have to live with Chinese Wuhan Virus forever. The gain of function genie was unleashed on an innocent and unsuspecting world. Hope herd immunity will take care of the seriousness of this Wuhan problem.


all very true thanks good post

DMK, let’s put it this way, the CCP and their funding partners created a virus on steroids, a real bad ass virus, with their crazy gain of function bull ■■■■■ Liberal progressives were too busy impeaching and fighting heed the warning from Taiwan in October.

We can point the blame at a lot of folks. The weapnization of politics still goes on. I would like to tell them to wake the ■■■■ up.

We will get through this DMK.


Agree 100%, my friend. :heart:

What a horrible thing the arrogance of Fouche has unleashed on the world, via his gain of function he paid China to unleash. I wonder if he’s a Fabian socialist or just like playing rule the little people?

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Yep. And a typical ICU bed costs $25-30,000 per day vs. $5-10,000 per day for a regular hospital bed.

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According to my Mom, that would give her, “her death of a cold.” :wink:

They don’t mutate deliberately. Most mutations don’t help them survive in the least.

Job security? Is Fauci’s “gain of function” project still underway?

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I was thinking of that scene from The Wizard of Oz.

"I’m melting…i’m melting." :wink: :rofl:


CEO of Modern came out and said they didn’t believe their vaccine will be as effective against this new strain.

Oh gosh, is everyone gonna be unvaxed again until they come up with a new one?
I’m sure it won’t take long. Just slap a new label on the old one, no one will ever know, and then tell everyone that they will still get it, it just won’t be as bad as the people who don’t.

isnt all this ridiculous?

the new hysteria - over a vaccine

Yup! I think it’s the end of the virus…

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Last I checked still no word on how it effects the unvaxxed.

Here’s the doctor that first identified the new virus and her professional take on it. Now compare that to what’s being said by the mainstream media and the Governor of NY’s new declared state of emergency. Just think…why would they do that? Obviously the answer is to sheoplize the masses into accepting mail in voting, that’s not gone through the state legislatures as the Constitution clearly states is the ONLY way.


im surprised this hasnt been removed by the lefter-net yet.

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In time my pretty…all in due time. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


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