The Myths About Republicans/Conservatives!

Abe Lincoln was a liberal as back then the liberal party was the Republicans. You people need to actually learn some political meanings and history. Please read some history on two political parties and how they have evoleved before you try and tell others they are wrong.

See and here is problem with people who have no clue about political parties, see Soros is a Moderate Dem he is not part of group of Dem that complain about 1% because he enjoys the GoP tax breaks because he is GOP that is just not a bigot so does not support those types of things. Dem party ATM is to the right of Reagan and that is why middle class is getting screwed by the rich and elected a moronic NYC DINO who turned GOP cause hated a black man as POTUS.

There isn’t any one all encompassing and fully agreed upon definition of “conservative” or “liberal”.

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You could also make the case that Democrats are not liberals.

You could, but I’m neither a Democrat nor a liberal, so I don’t bother trying to define them.

Who’s that liberal here that recently started a thread about congress wanting to pass a LGBTQ protection bill and likened it to legislating deviant lifestyles?

Edit: Here it is.

Never pegged johnwk2 as a liberal. I’m sure he’d love to hear about.

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I think there is lot more within the democrat party…but they’re afraid to express is because libs will go all Antifa on em.

Here you go.

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Then why don’t they just join the republican party where they’ll be welcome?

It’s all projection and they are guilty of what they accuse others of, that’s what makes leftist liberals so vile.

These are not myths. They are planned character assassinations. Conservatives argue that liberals have bad ideas. Liberals argue that conservatives are bad people. They have nothing else.


That is actually an excellent point. If republicans were all conservatives, they would not need a special conservative caucus (freedom caucus) for republicans in congress. The dems don’t have a liberal caucus. They don’t need one.

This will be the “I was never really for the Iraq war” at the end if Trump. “I never defended him…” or “I never claimed to be conservative”

Strange how so many racists, sexists, and homophobes end up in prominent positions of power with conservative politics and media.

Hrmm…must be a coincidence.

No. You are mistaken

Remember that other thread this morning where you said Republicans don’t whine and complain? :rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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Bad ideas like cutting taxes at full employment and starting a trade war at the same time? Pretty sure that wasnt a liberal idea.

That’s a policy argument. I support policy arguments. But a lot liberals have a hard time staying on point. They quickly switch to judging the real or imagined flaws of people who see things differently. Which is the subject of this thread.

Another myth about Republicans: They’re fiscal conservatives that care about deficits and out of control spending

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Actually you said that in your other thread when you complained about youtube ads promoting gay pride as being a discriminative attack against conservatives

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