Republicans and Conservatives get a bad rap now a days from the Democrat Mainstream Media(ABC, CBS, NBC, Facebook, Google), and Democrat Politicians.
Here are just some of the things that the Liberal Media, and Democrat Politicians try and make the public to believe about Republicans/Conservatives……
We are all Racist
We are all Sexists
We are all Homophobic
Please feel free to add more.
The Liberal Media, and Liberal Socialist Politicians, specifically go after the younger generation as well, and they project these things into millennials brains at most Colleges especially. It is a great way strategically to “catch em while they’re young”, and brainwash children from a young age to believe that Republican bad! Socialism good!
There’s no where near enough separation between those two words in your title to reflect reality. But then, that’s understandable since the titles aren’t allowed to be literal miles long.
With all of the Political Correctness in today’s society, there is no chance that hardley any Republican or Conservative Politicians could be any of those things and get away with it, without getting FIRED!
But since the Democrat Politicians Pander to these groups, they are allowed to be those things, and can get away with it, because their self funded activist groups(George Soros), will simply look the other way.