The Mueller Report -- Points of interest as I'm listening and reading

Which is why it’s a waste of time to engage those low-info posters.

Facts do matter whether they believe them or not. All I can do is present them.

We’re not all low info posters. Your facts are a welcome reprieve from their posts however.


This conversation feels like a book-of-the-month club meeting where most of right-leaning folks forgot to read the book and are faking it with rose-colored interpretations of the synposis on the back of the book–a synposis written by a hack at the publishing house who himself never got around to reading the book, because his wife left him, his Internet went out, he’s got no more data, and all his beer is gone, even his emergency stash of Bud Lite, a Christmas gift from his idiot brother-in-law, and his car broke down, his bike’s got two flats, the elasticity of his underwear just went kaput, his socks, taking the hint, are bunching around his ankles, and all of this is making him slowly go crazy, such that all he’s got left is kissing up to his boss, whose name somehow happens to be Donald Trump.


Since you responded…………

The fact is that the case is closed and no charges for Trump. I really don’t care about all of the underlying crap. It is irrelevant.

Ha ha

Then please… from now on, use this argument when it comes to Secretary Clinton.

Thanks in advance.


This is a lot to wade through but thank you @madasheck for the thread and the updates. The continual presentation of facts regarding this report (regardless of where it leads) is essential to get past the willfully ignorant dismissals and bleating attempts to divert through sheer noise. Keep at it.


Are you referring to the Giants who have won as many World Series in the past 10 years as the Orioles have in their entire 60+ year (110+ years if you count the Browns) history? Those “losers”?

But where exactly does this lead? It’s over. It really is.

As I’ve said many times here, #factsmatter. And these are facts. And if it was over, all the Congressional and other investigations would be over. They’re not. You are welcome to feel like you do and say it’s over. But #factsmatter.

House DEMs are engaging in political theater. It will be fun to watch but it will amount to nothing. Trump will be reelected and will complete his second term.

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Let them spin their circus of innuendo and false hope.

They are solidifying Trumps status as a DC outsider who is doing the policy work he was voted in to perform.


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Yes the Orioles and Giants have won the exact same amount of World Series Titles in the past 64 years.

But the Giants expected to compete this year. The Orioles didn’t.

You keep putting up that hashtag, but it is meaningless. There was no Russian collusion. That is a fact. Trump will be charged with nothing. That is a fact. The Mueller investigation is over. That is a fact. There will be no further indictments from Mueller. That is a fact.

So reading through the report and picking out juicy tidbits you find interesting is simply something you are doing that has no relevance to anything. Nothing will change.

DEMs in congress will proceed to take Trump down because they hate him. It will be a circus freak show.

But by all means don’t let me stop you. I’m just going to sit back with my box of popcorn and watch. :popcorn:

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Well we don’t deem anyone guilty of something on the bases of a “partial case”.

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Trump haters do it all the time. The presumption of innocence means nothing to them.

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Facts are facts. Those “juicy tidbits” do mean something. The corruption of the Trump admin. doesn’t change that. That’s why facts are important. #factsmatter

As I said in the OP, these are bits from the Mueller Report. #factsmatter.