The most important Senator says no to $2,000 checks

What’s the difference? In politics

It would send a powerful message to the American people if, on the first day of your presidency, you called on the House and Senate to send you legislation to increase the direct economic impact payments to Americans struggling due to the pandemic from $600 to $2,000

Manchin needs to check himself. He’s not that important. I hope more Republicans feel the pressure to follow Rubio’s example. McConnell can’t screen them from votes anymore.

The American way. :us:

Here’s the breakdown - see the size of the “direct payment” bucket versus the “other” bucket?

If you take that entire “other” bucket, which includes the gender studies thing and other things that media use to whip you into a frenzy, and put it in direct payments, that’s a 7.5% increase to the payments, or $45. Eliminating the “other” gets you 3.2% of the way from $600 to $2000.

Done deal

They counted his vote in the first impeachment trial and he came though.


Now I can buy that scuba equipment and try to find that M1A I lost in that horrible boating accident!!
I doubt it but it should be worth a try no?

They’ll just take it away from you.