The mentally unhinged at Trumps rally in el paso (2-10-2019)

So some assaults aren’t a big deal just as some sexual assaults aren’t a big deal. Amirite?

And there you go, the liberal ranking system. Poor white trailer trash living on government cheese = “Ah poor white people, have it so bad”. The left divides everyone into their grievance groups based on skin pigmentation and gender the Balkanization of America complete bravo :clap:

Hilarious. When I wrote “White Straight Male” I was quoting you.

How does quoting “White Straight Male” deflect from you doing the exact same thing I just said the left was guilty of? Which is ranking people suffering based on skin pigmentation and gender? And then you answered the next question “White Straight Male” just like a “Check your privilege test” from Buzzfeed.

This was recently covered in a thread about the NRA. Dana Loesch would be happy to see journalists assaulted. I can’t imagine she’s the only one that feels that way.

yes… “unidentified” Too me that means it was a a leftist faking it, and they knew in advance and so did not press charges on purpose.

It’s like the fake attack on the empire star. Looks like we will see lots of these fake attacks all the way to 2020

That’s what you said about every other unhinged Trump supporter. I bet some internet warriors are still out there saying it about the Trump supporters who mailed bombs to a dozen Dems.

How’d that turn out anyway.

Here’s the Huffington Post…is it “the same” in your eyes? Maybe not because they described it as…“an incredibly violent attack”.

Cesar sayoc trial scheduled for this July.


Interesting article on this incident from the BBC’s North America editor. We all know Trump supporters will dismiss it but it is an incredibly unbiased article.

If they are upset the guy attacked them, why didn’t they press charges so we know who he is? They let him get away with it…

Fake and manufactured news…

You really think this incident never happened and its all made up?

Who didn’t see this coming?

I have no idea why they didnt press charges but that doesnt mean it didnt happen. But when you they who are you referring to? The person who was assaulted would have to do that. There is a plethora of reasons why someone doesnt press charges.

But lets get real for a moment, a journalist could be murdered at a Trump rally and Trump supporters would call it fake news or somehow say the journalist was at fault,

I am finding that with some Trump supporters you simply cannot have a logical and reasoned conversation with them.

I guess what that poster is saying is that minorities can’t possibly be tiny trump supporters. OBVIOUSLY a plant.

No, I think it was staged… And we will see a lot of staging by leftist. Ends justifies the means.

And…what is it that clues you in that it was “staged”?

It’s one person, and he should be arrested. For whatever reason the BBC is following CNNs footsteps when they didn’t report being attacked by Antifa. I have no sympathy for individuals who use violence to attack anyone.