The mentally unhinged at Trumps rally in el paso (2-10-2019)

What do you think when you see somebody wearing a MAGA hat in public?

It’s Tom Brady?

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The elk being mild manned is only to diguose its super hero identity of umderelk…

Its all a game to that poster.

Yes she is far less a threat than Trump and his supporters. Can we keep on topic?


Deeply weird response.

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Now that is a buddy flick I can get behind.

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Maxine Waters belongs to an Elks club?

Maybe. My guess is there is some other, more prominent right-wing media site promoting this false narrative, and that is where it originated from.

The one I was invited to in the 90s didn’t allow blacks.

Coming soon to Netflix. (You’re welcome).




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Off topic. But the Elk brought it to mind. Does anyone know why they have to kill the entire elephant just to get their ivory?

Speaking of mentally unhinged, these are the nutjobs that get a front row seat at fat donald’s rallies.

Because the removal of the tusks leads to death anyway. Even a broken tusk can lead to death for an Elephant through serious infection. Also the base of the tusk is embedded in the Elephant’s skull. Fun facts, but depressing thoughts.

We have been told that by the left yes. According to Vox, Slate, Buzzfeed, and Vice to name a few racism comes from power and since minorities are not in power therefore they cannot ever be as racist as a white person.

If one starts digging into the wonderful world of worshippers of intersectionality and systemic racism which dominates the campus scene, you find out quick what the’re talking about. Groups are ranked by their oppression level “White Straight Male” bottom, the top would look something like this “Gender-fluid Armenian Muslim trans-sexual otherkin disabled femenist”.

Well that and the fact that an elephant does not want ro hive up its tusks and it is alot easier to kill an elephant than sedate it…

The “White Straight Male” has it very hard in this country, that’s for sure. Maybe Trump can finally uplift this historically oppressed group.

Also true. But sickeningly, many poachers do actually sedate them with darts, remove their tusks, and then they awaken and slowly die an agonizing death as a result. It is pretty disgusting.