The Marvels (2023 Movie)

I saw The Marvels Saturday, and I enjoyed it.

The fight scenes were simply awesome. The film could have been better, but I don’t understand some of the hate it have been getting.

I recommend everyone to see it.

I give it a grade of an B.


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They peaked with End Game. Everything else is just desperation.


I don’t know…“peaked” may be the right word, but there have been some good stories told since.

Dr. Strange in the Multiverse…
Black Widow
Guardians 3

Were probably the best since Endgame.

Shang-chi was cool, but definitely got weird

Thor 4 was pretty good, and fun, but probably should have taken itself a bit more serious.

Eternals had some potential, but had too many characters that absolutely no one cares about.

As for Spider-Man, they may want to make him into more of a "Your Skeptical Neighborhood Spider-Man, because the high stakes showdowns with trusted close associates is growing thin.

Wakanda Forever and Quantumania were messes.


Loki is good. It and the marvels movie are leading into The Kang Dynasty, as was quantumania. Could be a good way to bring back Ironman, played by a different actor…

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Just let it go, people. It’s over. :rofl:

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Go read Archie and Jughead.

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Fan of marvels but I agree with six foot it peaked at end game. I wanted to like guardians 3 it was my favorite of the marvels franchises but it just seemed bland compared to the first even second. They need new writers at Disney they’re butchering the Star Wars universe as well with one dud after the other for tv shows and bringing back Ray Palpatine. :face_vomiting:

The better versions of the new Star Wars are stories that have gotten away from the main lore. Andor was a really good piece of television and a cool exploration of the people who live within the system of the empire… the workaday people who are the middle managers. I found that really interesting.

First couple of seasons of Mandalrian was also great… and an incredible use of a new technology to make it.

I also liked Loki. Thought it was fun and well done.

But the main problem is that they are on a content treadmill of disposable media and that is unsustainable at the budget levels that they put into these things.

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If they can successfully set up for the box office, it’s not a bad recipe. But I think the would be box office smashes, Thor Love and Thunder, Guardians 3 like @Axxowiz mentioned and now Marvels just kind of fall flat. We went to the theater for Guardians, but even my kid was a little let down. He enjoys the heck out of Loki. Maybe it’s just the original casting, and they can’t capture the lightning in the bottle again. :man_shrugging: Or just bad writing.

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After the snap it was all over IMO.

Pretty much sums it up for me as well. Thor, Captain America and Vision were probably my three favorite Avengers, so the MCU is downhill for me, especially with MCU Thor being virtually nothing like the comic book character.

Well the opening for this was a flop! :man_shrugging:

It will be interesting to see how much of the older fan base (people like me) continues to consistently watch this next phase.

I disagree with Loki that could have been good though. I do agree with the first two seasons or Mandalorion that was pretty good tv.

Then this mess

Book of boba fett
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Andir - best of the bunch but no one cared about that character.
There is also three generic animated shows

And looking at the titles of what’s coming it doesn’t look good imho for Star Wars fans as there likely to bomb one after the other.

The Acolyte
Skeleton Crew

I see LA city buses painted with MARVEL billboards. Darn thing is using up the IMAX screens right now. I’ll see it when it comes on cable for free.

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The only ones I liked were wolverine and punisher.

Jon Bernthal was not good as punisher.

The movie with Travolta as bad guy was excellent.

I could use a lot more of the Marvel: What If…? saga. I loved every minute of every episode. That animation format is absolute perfection for telling Marvel Comics stories.

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I thought he did a decent job with the role.

Besides no Punisher movie or TV series will ever live up to Capcom’s classic Punisher arcade game from the 90s.

I’m done with the MCU. The last one I watched was GOTG3. And I haven’t watched hardly any of the tv series.

I’m just sick of the same old formulaic stories and the gross overuse of CGI. Also there’s never any stakes anymore.

Plus I think the superhero thing is fixing to crash hard just like the Westerns did back in the 70s. It’s played out.


I agree… they churned it out way to fast and burned the audience out.

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I had no idea it was actually THAT bad. :rofl: