The Lodestar papers

What’s ironic about this OPED, Wolf’s book and now with Woodward’s book we are finding out Trump’s management style………………….

But we already knew that.


They are simply confirming something we already know.

But in the end, isn’t it really all about results rather than process???

Kind of an ends justifies the means sort of thing?

Yeah, we knew that was the foundation of Trump’s Republican Party.

Good to see more information, and your comments, confirm it.

Could you elaborate?? :confused:

That would still be incorrect. The Vice President is absolutely a senior administration official. And in this hypothetical of whether it was Pence who wrote the op-ed, it would be a little silly to say the anonymous author is the Vice President. If it were him, they would accurately refer to him as a senior level official, of which he is.

We are really talking semantics, but it doesn’t surprise me that we can’t even agree on something this trivial. I have no real interest in making a mountain out of a mole hill, so I’ll move along.

Are you suggesting that the byline for the oped should be “Submitted by an anonymous Vice President of the United States.”

Hey that makes me think…what if the oped was written by John Barron! “We found the traitor Mr President and he is inside your head!!”


but he can’t lose his job, so… nope

I’m not suggesting anything. Pence isn’t the anonymous author.

yep good point, they would have said the anonymous writer is one of the vice presidents in the administration. You’re way too smart for these guys pee cakes.

I tried instigating the lodestar subject but most responses were that Pence was setup. I dont buy it. I think it was Pence. Which would be unprecedented and ■■■■■■■ nuts

A good tv show is that dems are setting up pence to impeach both pence and trump to make the speaker of the house in 2019 president muhahaha

Or maybe pence wrote it knowing you’d think that

Nobody has mentioned DOJ?

I’m pretty sure there’s more than one author.

Interesting. Why?

Nobody in their right mind would go out on this limb without having the support of at least a majority of the cabinet. If something like this even came up for discussion it would have to be an all or nothing prospect. Pence isn’t going to start running his mouth about the 25th if he doesn’t already know he has the support to pull it off. Someone like Coats or Pompeo isn’t going to have the clout to pull this off and survive. I don’t see Mattis or Kelly pulling this without the other on board.

The only way it’s a single person is if it’s a disposable person like Kellyanne.

Good point. I don’t think it’s that high up.

A Democrat?

It’s also not something you write in secret at night then send away.

If not a team originating it, a team certainly helped tighten it up.

I disagree.

There are other “administration officials” who have spoken out against the administration, and are still around.

There’s also a Trump administration official with a weekly podcast that’s all about tracking the Mueller investigation and it ain’t pretty.

Those people? Not high enough to worry about apparently.

Meanwhile an op-ed from a senior official comes out, saying far more restrained things, and they’re breaking out the lie detectors.