The Left's War On Guns

So the alternative for Colorado 18 year olds is simple, join the military for a 3 year enlistment and be fully trained in how to handle firearms. They’ll know more about weapons than the ■■■■■■■■ that crafted this infringement of rights law.
Are 18 year olds considered legal adults in Colorado?
Why don’t they raise the legal age to vote to 21 too?
It used to be when I was a young un. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Relax. The law was immediately challenged and stayed. And there is no way it doesn’t get struck down.

How’s the San Jose gun registration and insurance requirement going?

How much money has that designated nonprofit collected since it became official on the 1st of the year?


Although I must say that I am surprised this law hasn’t been stayed too.

It’s California, they’re very forward thinking and progressive I hear. :rofl:


look at the gaslight



Looks like a budding jihadist decided not to follow the law.

Apparently, Canada’s gun laws are not strict enough. They are kind of lax on gasoline filled bottles as well.

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The Bleeding Heart politicians of mASSachusetts just passed a gun bill which does nothing to reduce gun crimes, only puts more restrictions on private gun owners in this SCREWED up state. Because of a major push back from GOAL, and private gun owners, some revisions to the bill were made but not enough. It still contains violations of the 2nd Amendment and will be headed to the Supreme Court. The bill restricts carrying a firearm in certain public areas, the expansion of the Red Flag Law to persons not qualified to make such a decision, putting serial numbers on all replaceable parts on a firearm which has to be reported within a specific time frame to local police and the State, banning the use of silhouette targets, carrying a firearm on or across private property without the consent of the property owner, and has several other restrictions. Law abiding gun owners will be facing jail time for not complying with any of these law while the criminals get a slap on the wrist by Liberal Judges and go back to the streets.The fraternity of the Chief Police of Massachusetts do not back this bill stating it does nothing stop the criminal element. MASSachusetts NOW has its own definition of an assault rifles, expanded ban of more firearms, restrictions on ammunition, and firearm capabilities.



How does a state “reject US Supreme Court rulings”?
I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the sharpest tool in the box so can someone explain to me how that works?

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Just a bit of Devils Advocate here.

But Texas kind of rejected a Supreme Court roiling recently as well. Though in their case they were ignoring it to protect citizens rights rather than infringe them. But in both cases a ruling was basically ignored.

In many ways I think it’s healthy for even the Supreme Court to be reminded that at the end of the day they exist at the will of the governed whether that’s good or bad.

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About the park?

Let the Revolution begin!


I’m torn between my belief in every man’s natural right to be able to defend himself by whatever means, and an equally strong belief that states, counties, municipalities and individuals should tell DC to ■■■■ off on a regular basis.

The 2nd Amendment is Constitution, not DC or SCOTUS.

“Spirit of Aloha?”

That sounds awfully spiritual. Aka religious. IMO, it’s a 1st amendment violation in addition to violating the second.