The Left's War On Guns

Yeah, that’s one way to look at it.

Now they are going to take their hatred of the constitution out on kids…

Biden admin withholding key funding for schools with hunting, archery programs


Not surprising. He’s such a duplicitous idiot.

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The politicians all have security who carry firearms. Nothing but hypocritical!
They are only pushing the “No Gun policies “ to stoke their base of fearful hippies. They need to focus more on gun laws for those caught with Illegal Firearms. Raise the jail time and quit making prisons so comfortable!

South Korea has strict gun laws.

9 people stabbed.

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“This isn’t trying to infringe on anybody’s rights … What it comes down to is saving lives, we know that youth suicide has increased,” Majority House Leader Monica Duran, Majority House Leader told the outlet. “We know domestic violence has increased.”

Duran, a Democrat, said limiting access to guns is a way to improve public safety.

“The easier it is to access something, the more likelihood that it can be used in a way that could be detrimental to not just our youth but our community,” she said.

Suicides are the justification?

He’s proud of being a petty tyrant and violating the Constitution.

Joe Biden
Since I’ve been in office, I’ve signed more executive actions to reduce gun violence than any of my predecessors.

Earlier this year, I signed an executive order to ramp up our efforts to hold the gun industry accountable, keep firearms out of dangerous hands, and more.

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The judge is a disgrace to the robes he wears.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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“(Court Judge) Iannece added, “There are too many shootings in this city! The court is quite concerned with what we see.””

I guess he’s okay with too many stabbings …

What kind of ■■■■■■■■ headline is this?

D.C.’s ‘red flag’ gun seizures are low. Officials hope to change that.

From the Washington Post.

Isn’t it a good sign that lots of firearms aren’t being forcibly seized from the population???

It’s only a good sign if you aren’t one of those “punish everyone because I can’t handle responsibility” type of people.

Seems like guns continue to beat the ■■■■ out of the left in this war.

There is irony in posting that a political movement is being beaten by a class of inanimate objects. But there is also a thread of consistency, as the members of said political movement, believe it is the inanimate object, rather than the individuals wielding the inanimate object, that is the problem.

I wasn’t using “guns” (or “beating the ■■■■ out of”) literally. I was using guns as a synecdoche, that is: a figure of speech using a part or something related to signify the political movement that has been enormously successful in routing its political opposition over the last 20 years or so. Would you argue otherwise?

I don’t confuse myself with inanimate objects. Though I can be said to represent values in my conduct.

Yeah, it’s the guns…

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Silly rabbit, it’s the knife don’t ya know.


5 dead, is that a mass murder? Some of the strictest gun laws in the country…

Ended by a man with a gun.


4 dead by the same perp, qualifies as a mass something. And the knife definitely jumped up and stabbed all those victims under its own power.