The left’s delusion on illegal immigration in the west

who ever feel like invading Poland.

who is invading Poland?

who isn’t invading Poland at this point.

oh, Merkel would “invade” Poland, by forcing them to take so called “refugees” :roll_eyes:
The left is the fascist element we have to overcome today.
Italian writer Ignazio Silone recognized that already middle of last century. He said "when fascism will come back, it will not claim “Im the fascism!” , but it will claim “Im the anti-fascism!” "
Just take a look at all that violent reactionist movements of the left like Antifa and recognize your today fascists…

That was before Centgov confiscated the west and we had 325 million of our own.

Back then there were more men than women and libs hadn’t turned 25% of the males into women.

Somebody should ask the Native Americans about unrestricted immigration sometime. :thinking:

Funny that you think that European Nationalists are capitalists.

The Europeans didnt immigrate to America, but settled - thats the right term for that times
The Natives havent been organized in form of a state, they didnt control the entire territory and also hadnt the better weponery/technology, otherwies the history had a totally different run.

This last part is some Jordan Peterson level ■■■■■■■■ right there.

They didn’t settle… they conquered and then systematically worked to remove and eradicate the native population.

I don’t know who that is.

switch the issue? your usual tricks to deflect and so on? :smile:
The socialists/marxists are definitely anti-capitalists, you ahve only to listen which slogans they yell at rallies, protests or visit their events…

Exactly. Semantics because the natives didn’t believe in land ownership. Hence most of the conflicts after the “settlers” planted their flag and then demanded the natives either submit or leave.

Look him up. His pseudo intellectual positions jive perfectly with antiquated views about what constitutes masculinity.

I dont think that you know to much about history. Like every leftist you juts parrot 2 or 3 memorized sentences and know onyl about very short parts of the history, which favorise your phony leftist narrative

Native believed in land ownership they had clearly marked tribal boundaries.

It was okay because we had guns :laughing:

That had nothing to do with “owning” the land. Get real.

You don’t own land now.
the government can take it away at anytime.

Another award winning thread contribution. Congrats. :roll_eyes: