The left ignores it's own lunacy

Right-wing ideals will have them deported.

Wrong, it’s the 5th largest economy on earth with a surplus. Why are you so concerned with CA if you don’t live here?

Don’t step on any IV needles, buddy.

Going to a beautiful beach this morning so i might be a little late to respond.

Seriously dude…These are California beaches today. Be careful. At least wear shoes. If you have children in your family with you, dont let them play in California beach sand.

38% as of 2018.

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Going to Redondo Beach which is 20 minutes away. Perfect day to have a few margaritas, cheers.

Use your common sense. Of course they want unlimited, unchecked border crossers. That is the definition of open borders. Right? How the hell can you have limited open borders? That simply makes no sense. If the democrats succeed and completely open the borders, how many will come in? 50 million? 100 million? For the democrats, the more the better.

That’s quite a fantasy you believe in. No worries. I get it. Listening to talk radio results in you believing stuff like this. You have been utterly convinced that this characterization of the left is the truth and nothing would convince you otherwise. The gods of talk radio have spoken and they cannot be misleading you.

Okay then set me straight. How is it possible to have limited open borders? I’m really having a tough time grasping this concept. Now’s your chance.

Common sense? Is your common sense telling you that democrats want open borders?

What type of border security do you want? Do you support ICE? Do you support he border patrol? Do you believe that every single person who want’s in our country should respect our border laws or be deported?

I only listen to MSNBC and I have the same view that libs want open borders… really open borders. They always have a few words saying otherwise, but the actual ACTIONS that are reported … be it legislative actions or civil protest actions …says that what they want will create OPEN open borders.

BTW… the 90s called and wants its “talk radio” meme back.

Both sides want border security. We just differ on how that is done. We should have harsh penalties for crossing the borders illegally. We should have a path to legalization for those that have been here for a number of years and paid taxes.
Dems just dont like this simplistic rhetoric about a wall, that Mexico pays for. First of all, he’s lying to you. Mexico isn’t going to pay for it in any fashion. Secondly, it’s insulting that he thinks the answer is so simplistic. There are many facets to border security and immigration reform.
Dems aren’t the boogeyman on this topic. I still think they should vote on the Senate immigration reform bill that was designed by the gang of 8.

How many democrats are campaigning against open borders? By my count it is zero. Plus or minus zero. So which side are they on?

How are you defining open borders?

Libs just don’t do the research. Your own LA Times discredits your ignorant comment. I’m concerned about California just like I’m concerned about our country. If one state goes bankrupt we all pay for it.
I don’t expect you to understand or acknowledge the fact Mr lib.

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Zero enforcement. No authorities. No security. Kind of like when you pass from one state to another. A sign and a welcome center. There is a very large contingent of liberals advocating this. There are very few if any liberals opposing them.

Name them and their advocacy.

I will do better than that.

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