The latest breakthrough in women's rights

I do not believe biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s events, just as biological females should not be allowed to compete in male events.

But, if the various leagues do not specifically state that in their rules then thems the rules.

yes. evidently.

what rules are broken if dude is not permitted to compete against girls?

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It’s pretty simple … if you can pee standing up you can’t compete with the women.

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Why? He’s about to be pulled out of the boat. :wink:

there are some things that shouldnt need such rules

of course none of that applies now that the loon left is here

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You’ve got it wrong. Supporting trans people doesn’t mean that you hate women. They aren’t exclusive. The more apt question should be, why do people use the “protection of women and children” as a shield for transphobia?

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If the left is going this route, I must abide.


Sure. Put it in the rule books.

It’s your fault because if they attempt to change the rules to prohibit trans women from competing you will be right here screaming your head off about gender dysphoria discrimination.

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Some libs are ■■■■■■ up like a football bat. :rofl:


Sorry. I’ve been very consistent with the opinion that sports leagues and athletic departments have the right to make whatever rules they want. I support inclusion of trans athletes but recognize how difficult it is to find a balance that doesn’t give any athlete, regardless of sex/gender, an unfair advantage.

People who use loopholes to gain an advantage are not to be admired.

Maybe you should look at the rules as to who is qualified to compete in the sport before excusing the athlete exploiting the fact that the term woman is not defined in them. As someone else noted, if you© can’t define woman, what else are they going to go by?

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C’mon man. Women’s track means that the competition is between women. No matter how much surgery and chemical intervention a man goes through to “become” a woman, they are NOT a woman.

In your heart, you know I’m right.

This implies that she transitioned, in part, to win track meets. Why would anyone put themselves through something like this just so they can claim track titles at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

“■■■■ women!”
–The Left


I’m not disagreeing with any of you about this. The state of integrating trans athletes into competition is fraught with complications. The rules need to change. But I’m not going to place blame on trans athletes who just want to compete and participate.

The problem exists because crit-progs have blurred the definition of woman. According to them there are something like 57 genders now. How detailed should the rules be to prevent this ■■■■ from happening? And will there be anything resembling consensus on the new rules? You are dreaming if you think this is a simple matter of “the rules.”

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In cases like this one, that is exactly what it means.


I’m sure there is a way to say it without mentioning bodily functions. Something like “sex assigned at birth.”

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