The latest breakthrough in women's rights

Sorry to inform you but the trophy is hers. Fair and square.

Itā€™s my fault? I make the rules for the Liberty League athletic conference and get to decide who is able to join the Rochester Institute of Technology track teams? I have that job? Iā€™m owed back pay if thatā€™s the case.


I think about that episode every time I see one of these storiesā€¦ I just crack up! South Park just nailed it.


There is no lib argument that holds up in the face of these very simple images. None. These are sick and twisted people, and the vast majority of Americans know it.


Nothing ā€œfairā€ about it. Garbage.

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What a stupid, stupid post.


I wish South Park would do an episode making fun of people who keep voting for the conditions that harm their lives, similar to how Kyle and the others kept refusing to read the terms and conditions in ā€œHumanCentipadā€, much to their detriment. :joy:

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He doesnā€™t have to be a man. Heā€™ll never be a woman.

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What rules did she break?

maybe one can win a scholarship to a womenā€™s collegeā€¦


Thatā€™s such ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  If they stated you had to be born female to compete, youā€™d be one of the first complaining about discrimination and how the rules arenā€™t fair.


Nope. I think trans athletes should have the same opportunities as non-trans athletes, but no competitive advantage should be granted to any athlete, regardless of sex/gender. The hard part is figuring out that balance, and its going to be up to the people who run these sports organizations and leagues to figure that out. But until then, Iā€™m not going to blame the athlete for just wanting to compete.

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Rules of Common Decency

Rules of Men

Rules of a Just Society

Youā€™re defending punching down. Itā€™s pathetic.


Those are all antiquated notions for the left.


How very sanctimonious of you. Unfortunately, those rules donā€™t apply to who and who isnā€™t allowed to join the Rochester Institute of Technology track team.

Not to garbage at least. Can men join the womenā€™s team?

Why do crits hate women?

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Apparently at RIT they can.

Heā€™s not a man. Heā€™s a selfish piece of human garbage.

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