The latest breakthrough in women's rights

Congratulations dude!


the left’s ruination of society continues…


I agree. Congratulations. She followed the rules and won her races.

If there is movement to change the rules about who and who can not participate, then the onus is on the athletic directors and the conference directors to change those rules.

Trans athletes just want to compete and shouldn’t be blamed or targeted for existing. Unless you think this individual decided to transition just so that they could break the Rochester Institute of Technology track records.

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He must be so proud of himself…


Throwing women under the bus for your new special males I see. Democrats never did support women’s rights they just used them to get elected. They will support them only as long as they are killing innocent babies.
Women get out of the way because males are more important. They don’t want you to have your own sporting events, but they also don’t want to have to support the child they create with you. Shows just what democrats think women are good for.


He’s trolling.

Don’t let him hook you.

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The Liberty League athletic conference is now the “left”.

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As I’ve stated many times, if you object to trans athletes competing with non-trans athletes then take it up with the people who actually have the power to change the rules. The “left” might support the rights of trans people in general but there isn’t some nefarious plan to destroy the norms of athletic competition by promoting equal access to sports. The rules should change so that no athlete has an unfair competitive advantage.



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Were you not praising some male for beating a bunch of us lowly women? Yes, it was you patting some weak male on the back and saying good job to a mentally ill male for beating a bunch of women. Can’t change your story now. You showed in your first post just who you support. Seems there are very few men left in the world today.

How ■■■■■■■ stupid can people be that would allow a confused male, who genetically is physically stronger, to compete against females? If it isn’t blatantly stupid, list for me the opposite of fairness, which would be females that think they’re men, beating men in sports and winning the exact same way.


Congrats on reading comprehension. Yes, congrats to Sadie Schreiner for winning her races. She competed within the rules. I’m not gonna blame her for things she has no control over. If you don’t think she should be allowed to compete then take it up with the athletic directors who make the rules. Sure, it’s unfortunate for the other competitors but that’s sports. They should advocate for rule changes if they feel cheated.

If the rules are unjust and he takes advantage of them for a trophy, he’s a piece of garbage.


They are. They’re being ignored in favor of virtue signaling Queer Theory.

Queer Marxism.

If you can redefine “woman”, you can redefine anything.


I might be wrong, but I don’t think Sadie transitioned just so that she could win track meets. It’s not her fault the rules are unjust.


He took advantage of them. For a trophy that isn’t his.

Selfish garbage.


No it’s your fault…and those that think just like yourself.


Those girls need to grow a pair and win a race.


Oooooh yeaaaah!