The Last of Us HBO Show

This is the advantage of streaming. It allows the world and story to be expanded. HBO has a good track record with shows and I fully expect they will take the source material of the game and expand it.

We all know what works in games does not always translate to screen. Self exploration and interactive combat cannot exist in a show so for me I want to see the world building and story expanded by use of flashbacks, back stories etc.

A streaming show also has the advantage that it can take its time to tell a story rather than compress it into a 2 hour movie.

Four episodes in and HBO is definitely keeping to the core story which is the relationship between Joel and Ellie.

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But it did as the entire episode led up to Joels slow realization that Ellie is not just cargo but his purpose. Plus it was a refreshing change to see how decent loving human relationships will find a way to exist no matter the state of the world. Episode 4 contrasted Episode 3 by showing survivors just scrabbling around to stay alive.

How is Ellie over the top wokey? Bella Ramsey captures the spirit of Ellie perfectly.

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Better not tell them about Ellie’s love life in the second game…:rofl:


Or in the DLC of the first game.


Sarcastic and know it all. Maybe her character evolves.

Most adolescents are over the top wokies? Who knew?


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So a typical teenager then.

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Uh oh…:sunglasses:

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Just watched first four eps, not a bad show so far. Don’t see where it’s woke in any way.

The “Woke” always cause apocalypses.

Woke fungi. Except the woke are never any fun.

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Good show tonight. Got back to action finally.

So moral of the story so far…don’t get overly attached to anyone not a main character.

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That’s a lot of these drama shows. One of the reasons I enjoy those - unpredictability.

Another good episode.


I wish there were more scary monsters, but this show is still a phenomenal character study.

Plus it was cool seeing Rutina Wesley again.

It also looks like next week is Ellie’s back story. As a person intentionally ignorant of the storyline, I am excited.

i dont know. that big fungus dude (or dudette) is pretty scary.


Yeah he was. I just meant that I could do with more monsters. We’ve had several episodes with no monsters at all.

I agree more monsters.

Though there is much more of a coherent and deeper storyline than Walking Dead ever achieved. YMMV.