The Last of Us HBO Show

You didn’t like Episode 3 because it had a gay couple in it.

It’s Ok for you to just admit that and not try to pretend that’s not the only thing bothered you about it.

As pointed out elsewhere, the episode actually a very human story…how the human spirit can rise above even the bleakest and darkest of situations and still find hope and love.

And as Nemesis mentioned, it will be an excellent setup to the decision Joel makes at the end of the first season.

You would have been just fine with that story had it been a hetero couple they showed.

And they didn’t invent that relationship whole cloth, btw. Bill and Frank were a couple in the game…well except all you saw there was the hideous way the relationship ended.


Cuz everybody know that there is no gays in the apocalypse.

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That was one thing that drove me up the wall about TWD: all the obviously stupid decisions that were made.


Just red blooded Americans using their guns and bibles to keep America alive.

Talking of the apocalypse and red blooded Americans as badly written as it is, I do have a soft spot for William Johnstone’s Out of the Ashes series. Obviously Johnstone saw himself as the protagonist and it is a true dreamfest for right wing conservatives :grinning:.

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Their lack of ammo conservation in that show appalled me the entire time I was into it.

And the lack of .22LR. In an apocalypse, 22LR will rule the roost simply due to availability.

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Agreed. Everybody had a Hollywood magazine. In the later seasons, nobody shoots guns anymore because they are out of ammo.

One of the best zombie novels and one that is credited along with 27 Days Later in rebooting the entire zombie genre is The Rising by Brian Keene.

Anyone who likes zombie novels should read it. At the time it was a unique take on zombies.

That’s a good one. My personal favorite is World War Z.

There is also a deep well of zombie short stories out there.

I don’t get these apocalypse shows… I prefer optimistic futures. The world keeps getting better not worse. Apocalypsim has always been with the human race for some reason. From the flood myths to climate change…

I’m a fan of dystopian cyber punk or nuclear war aftermath stories myself.

I enjoy zombies at times. But I’m a HUGE of fan of dystopian cyber punk.

I’m finally watching MegaZone 23. And despite the animation being very outdated it’s a super compelling story.

It’s like the Matrix in some ways, but made back in the 1980s. Humanity has had to leave earth due to nuclear war and climate catastrophe. They use these massive colony ships called Megazones to leave earth.

To keep the people docile and from figuring out what happened, the Megazones are set up to appear like life in the 1980s. So MegaZone 23 (where the story takes) is basically a recreation of 1980s Tokyo.

Then some kid finds a motorcycle that transforms into a Mecha and is the key to the central computer system to regulates life in the MegaZone and keeps everyone in mindless entertainment so they won’t pay attention to what is actually going on. (Namely, a war is brewing with another MegaZone).

I don’t care what the Wachoskis say. They definitely got some ideas from MegaZone 23 for the Matrix.

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meh, i jst ignored the wokism. still a good story

TLOU is doing something quite rare today and that is gaining viewers each week.

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To me it’s not really a woke thing with the episode.

They never brought up a political angle.

In the game Bill is gay. It’s firmly established by comments he made to Joel and the fact that Ellie found a whole stack of gay porn magazines.

They simply decided to show the relationship and changed the ending. Because Frank went out in a real rough way in the game (it’s not shown, but you can find a letter that describes what happened to him).

I get enough of the gay couples in just about every Netflix series I watch at work. I’m just not going to even start the last of us. I’ve been told enough. I’m just not interested in seeing that.

Episode 3 didn’t need to take up the entire episode. Episode 4 started losing my interest. It felt like a slow video game story. The girl is over the top wokey and arrogant.

I want to like it and hope it gets better. Speed things up.

Agreed. They need to pick it up. Nothing much happened in E4.

Although that thing in the basement filled me with dread.

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I’m wondering if it’ll be an original infected made just for the show.

I was thinking about the Rat King from the second game. But I don’t think they’d wanna drop that bomb just yet.

Yeah, I’ve never played them, but I am familiar with the monsters. I hope it’s something new too, but I bet it is a:



You’re probably right. Since they skipped out on the whole school gym scene.

If there was one worry I had it is that it would slow down, simply because of the source material.

Splice all the cut scenes together from the game and it’s less than two hours of material.

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