The King's Speech at State Opening of Parliament 2024

State opening of Parliament was today.

Speech starts at 6 minutes into the video.

Pretty much as advertised. The 92 remaining heredity peers will be expelled from the House of Lords. Increased power to the Metropolitan Mayors and local government in general as well as more devolution from Parliament to the Northern Ireland, Scottish and Welsh governments.

I guess they finally decided to do it huh. They’ve been talking about expelling the remainder of the peerage for like 20 years now.

It was just waiting on a Labour Government. :smile:

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It’s something the Tories could never do.

They did not want to do.

I am hoping the super injunction on Bojos love child, whoops I mean political aide, who he made the youngest peer ever is soon lifted.

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I remember people talking about this when I was kid. Took long enough I guess.

They need to abolish the House of Lords altogether, but that won’t happen until a second Labour term.

When they do so, they should abolish life peerages and end hereditary peerages with their current holder, with the exception of Royal life peerages.

Just abolish it and replace it with a Senate.

They could copy the French Directory and call it a Council of Ancients or something. That way it still sounds medieval and dignified.

I would use the old European Union constituencies to apportion a British Senate. The seat numbers would change from time to time due to census population changes. Based on the last European Union apportionment and tripled would give the following Senate seat numbers.

London - 24 seats
South West England - 18 seats
South East England - 30 seats
East of England - 21 seats
West Midlands - 21 seats
East Midlands - 15 seats
North West England - 24 seats
North East England - 9 seats
Yorkshire and the Humber - 18 seats
Wales - 12 seats
Scotland - 18 seats
Northern Ireland - 9 seats

Total - 219 seats

Each region would elect its members by party list proportional representation.


Its embarassing that @Safiel knows more about this than me :weary:

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Holy cow. He even wears his cute little costume? I am so glad that I’m not English. British. Whatever.

So in ignorant American terms, this means what exactly?


The British versions are wrong. English.

At least the British can drive in a roundabout without ■■■■■■■ it up. Americans just can’t seem to figure it out. :smile:


The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. Why the heck would you go around in circles? :wink:

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Cigarettes still called cigarettes across the big pond

Did King Chuck ban everyone from sucking a ■■■■■■■■ ass yet? :rofl:

It basically signals the beginning of the real work. As soon as the King got up and left after the speech, the House of Commons returned to their chamber and began debating the government program.

I like how they copy Charles I busting into parliament and demanding to arrest the Parliamentarians he didn’t like. The ceremony is great and a relic of history.