The King's Speech at State Opening of Parliament 2024

That costume is only used for these occasions.

There’s been times when the monarch didn’t wear it. During Covid Elizabeth didn’t.

The slamming of the door in Blackrod’s face represents an event in 1642 that really changed the course of history. In response to Charles I intrusion, Speaker Lenthall uttered the following:

“May it please your majesty, I have neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as this House is pleased to direct me whose servant I am here; and I humbly beg your majesty’s pardon that I cannot give any other answer than this to what your majesty is pleased to demand of me.”

With that sentence, Lenthall established the independence of the House of Commons and set in motion the events that would ultimately lead to Charles I execution and the end of the absolute monarchy in England.


Exactly. When i get on one of those all of a sudden i find my self on the smallest race track

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They almost ended up with Republic. Well that or they would have crowned Cromwell king. God imagine Cromwell as king. Talk about a ■■■■ show.

I need Irish to kill and I need them now.

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