The internet killed journalism

It’s the readers driving it more than the outlets. Did you read the article?

No reasoning with you people. I’ll wait until your side starts getting censored and see if you come around. In the meantime, here is a brain exercise, give Trump the power to decide what is and isn’t speculation or fact. Imagine the sense of joy that would give you.


Right leaning news outlets already give him that power lol.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I believe what I said is the tail’s side of the same coin.

They give him the power to silence those who disagree with him? Major fail. Can’t wait until the GOP takes over again, maybe anyone who favors abortion rights need to be silenced, for the good of public health.

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The power to decide what is speculation or fact. :roll_eyes:

Without enforcement that power doesn’t exist. Or is known as the power of persuasion as opposed to censorship.

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It is great power. A huge swath of Trump’s base takes their word as the gospel truth. And start erroneously sourced threads here lol.

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Is “journalism” formally taught in a higher education setting anymore? Or are students simply paying for the opportunity to be indoctrinated into some tenured ■■■■■■■■■ concept of agenda driven ideological opinions?

Dude, walk toward the light.

I disagree.

It is pretty much all speculation.

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I think it depends on the school.

You think they are being canceled for other reasons? Like what?

Tell that to the people repeating conspiracy crap as fact. Happens right here every day.

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Like the China lab leak? Those who reported that as even a possibility were cancelled. Apparently only the left can decide what is fact.


…and then later when the truth gets revealed, when those who earlier labeled others conspiracists, they then develop amnesia. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I didn’t specify a side.

Who decides? How is crap decided?

Who says your speculations are conspiracy crap and mine or not. Or vice versa?

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And rarely, if ever, learn from their mistakes.