The Impeachment will happen, Pelosi officially kicks it off at 5:00 pm today (9/24/2019)

pelosi needs some company?

Is this politically advantageous for the Democrats? I don’t know. Frankly, at this point, it doesn’t matter. There are greater things at stake than short term political wins and losses. Presidents need to realize that constant lies, blatant corruption, and making a mockery of the office will not be allowed to go unchecked.

Will Trump be convicted in the Senate. Probably not. That would require a level of political courage Republicans like Rubio, Romney, Graham and the like are incapable of. History will be their judges.


I could see this as the GOP’s long awaited revenge for Dumpster Donnie threatening and crapping all over them during the primaries. Plus, they can install a president that actually has at least two brain cells to rub together.

So they did see a transcript of the call?


Put them all on record now and forever.

Chisel the record onto the walls.

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No need to. The American people need to see the full whistleblower’s complaint, period.

Nice call.

In1974, the House built a solid case for the first two articles of impeachment and these were widely publicized. A simple motion to dismiss will not look at all like the operation of a Democracy in 2020 and that may have serious consequences.

Every member of the House Judiciary form a swing district voted to impeach in 1974.

Still losing it. :rofl::rofl:

It should concern you more if they haven’t.

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Trump is kicked out of office over some “old, senile, feeble man running for office who is losing it” :rofl::rofl:

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Lol the moment the left has been waiting for since Hillary was beat. The second the senate gets it, it will be DOA. Then we will hear up until the election which candidates the failed impeachment hurt.

I believe the tipping point for Pelosi is that Trump has made it clear that he does not view or treat Congress as a co-equal branch of government. If he releases the whistleblower complaint this probably will all go away… unless there is something there.

Since Trump supporters know Trump is an innocent man, they should be hoping it goes this way. The release of “nothing” will make the Democrats look very foolish.

It is all reminiscent of Watergate. Nixon, always the opportunist, was ready to fall on his sword for the “principle” idf executive privilege regarding the tapes… when all and sundry knew that, opportunist that he was, he would have released the tapes instantly if they proved him innocent.

Now we have another opportunist suddenly taking the principled stand that he cannot release the information that will resolve the issue in his favor.

Its like deja vu all over again!


I am praying the dude in the Ukraine had the smarts to have recorded all of his little chats with Obese Donald.

And that he figures if Trump can dump so can he!

Ya even it it passes the house. But they know the senate will not impeach the president so it’s all theatrics. It didn’t work well with Bill Clinton who knows which way the pendulum will swing after this failed impeachment.

A Pence presidency that waves the flag and carries the cross is the only hope for the future of the republican party.


The democrats will probably save him by nominating some far left psycho who thinks she’s and Indian against him.

So the Senate and you have already “sold out” to party before country, without knowing any details. It’s just a big political game, eh?

Says a lot.

Subtle. I like it.

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