The house select committee on Jan 6

The liar pelosi never planned on setting up a bipartisan committee.


An independent bipartisan commission in the style of the 9/11 commission passed the House.

McConnell killed it.

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The leftist have taught the trump supporters well. Maybe you need to take a look at your own house before you condemn someone for what your friends have been doing for years.

This is a massive job costing conflict of interest for any non Republican that does it


So… is there an example of a Republican President being nice to children on Christmas only to have a father end with ■■■■■ You” or is this a made up thing to make it seem okay that it happened?

Lets find out. Let’s get maddows texts and emails and find out just what she has been up too. Because you have no idea who maddow has been texting and what she has been saying.

Yeah… if Ron Klain was directly coordinating election strategy and Messaging with MSNBC… man… I would be in agreement with a bunch of people on here as to what should happen.

So it is making something up to alleviate the cognitive dissonance.

Good work.

You can believe the lie. But pelosi is not an honest player. She never has been. But you does have you running around defending her lies for her because your a partisan just like she is.

Everybody saw her through and knew she was going back to Trumps

I think you are quite comfortably out of their target demo.

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There are examples of Leftist doing much worse to GOP Presidents. And yourenjoyed every moment of it. Get off your high horse before you fall off.

Okay… let us take this slowly… because it is not sinking in.

  1. A bipartisan independent commission like the 9/11 commission was passed by the House.
  2. That commission was torpedoed by McConnell.

Now… tell me who did not want a bipartisan independent commission.

A least there is an investigation, as lopsided as it is. Dems v reps.

With mitch in charge, we have nothing.


I see the lack of examples brought forth.

And if there were examples brought forth… I would likely agree with you that the person was being a jackass.

Pelosi and Schumer and McConnell.

They want the myth.

Make the voters dance to their music.

How can I be making things up when neither one of us knows what maddow has been texting and who. I would love to see all her emails and texts how about you? Or are you afraid of what we might find?

Yet she was invited to the White House because trump was grasping at straws at that point in time.


She blew smoke up his pant leg when everyone was vilifying him.