The house select committee on Jan 6


It was a riot. Getting caught up. Not the informant plant

By the way this actually works both ways. If it wasn’t planned and i don’t believe it was snd it was a riot then those attempting to blame the fbi and see some grand conspiracy are just as wrong as those who are arguing that there was a pre planned action rather than just a riot.

I think that this just places more people evidence in the column that the rally that Trump and allies held was an incitement to riot.

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Kind of hard to ignore stochastic terrorism in a world that may as well be designed for it.

Social media. That’s the driving factor even if it is to riot and not some planned event.

Yeah but that’s like everything now. The world has gone completely nonlinear. Top down hierarchal organizations are going out of style everywhere, but especially in insurgent movements where it’s a smart move. This is what it looks like now. A swarm, not an army.

Of course, if the only grand conspirators who were really all in were FBI plants, there was a grand conspiracy, but the FBI won’t want to explain it.

Grand conspirators to spontaneously riot? Okie dokie

Now… Powell is crazier than a bag of badgers and she could just be in her fantasy world… but this is wild.

She is suggesting that the Capitol riot was to give Justice Alito time to stop the electoral count.

I wonder if she had received the Eastman Memo?

In any event, all of this legal legerdemain around electoral votes and their certification is yet another reason to finally ditch the EC.

Only now is the left recognizing the subtle genius that is…Bison Man.


From the article:

Representatives for Powell, Alito, Pelosi, McCarthy and Scalise have been contacted for comment.

I hope all of them comment. This should be interesting.

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Unproclaimed king of USA for 42 minutes.

A new record.

His speaking tour will be epic when he loses the ankle bracelet in 2037.

You are misrepresenting her comments. She did not suggest that the purpose of the protest was to delay the electoral count until Alito could stop it.

The news article author suggested that that could have been the reason, extrapolating this conspiracy theory from Powell’s comment that they might have had time to move Alito if Pelosi had not immediately reconvened the house.

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Lol. The capitol rioters are being treated unfairly.

That could or could not be true but who cares.

Life isn’t fair.

The question more to the point.

Are they being constitutionally?

Why the concern about “fairness”?


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A ■■■■■■■ judge making the argument about the 2020 riots in comparison with Capitol Riots.

■■■■ that guy. What a partisan hack.

One has nothing to do with the other.

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A trump judge…lol


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He was saying that at a sentencing hearing where the person plead guilty.

It would be like if I were to plead guilty to a speeding ticket and the judge would opine on all the other people who were speeding out there and were not caught.

What an ■■■■■■■■

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I wonder what this thread, especially the last 4 posts, would look like with the situation reversed.

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What would be the scenario?

An Obama judge talking about how unfair the system is for George Floyd rioters who are facing charges.

Just whining. Either way.
