The Hoplophobe Strategy

In what ethical universe is this statement acceptable?

Imagine how valuable that ammo will be when the next president bans the importation of ammo…

“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.

In response to TRUMP! You libs need to get control of yourselves.

Yes, Trump is the president of the United States. You want to discuss federal gun issues without mentioning the president? Good luck.

Your double standards are showing. We can complain about Obama but not Trump. I get it.

What makes you think it has to be imported? Plus Trump is going to be reelected so the scenerio is nonsense. :smile:

Can’t help it, can you?

For suspects. Doubling down on lame is still lame.

Why should I try? The president is the leader of your party and sets the tone on policy, including gun rights. You’re stuck with him for another year.

I never said it has to be imported…
Supply and demand determines price… When supply is cut, demand causes price increases…

Who’s a suspect? You? Me? Sneaky? Trump wants to take our guns away until he figures out who the bad guys are, BEFORE due process. Read his lips.

He doesn’t have the first clue.

Anoka, Minnesota

Alton, Illinois

New York, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Ohio

I am the leader of my party. I expected a bit better from you.

Cute how you believe this says something about Obama rather than who it REALLY says something about…

I expected better from Republicans. I’m a supporter of gun rights and the second amendment, and from that perspective Trump has been a disaster.

They never have sold for what they are worth.:smile:

This is a hilarious indictment of the faux-right-wing propaganda machine in action.

“He’s gonna take yer gunzzzzzzz!!! Get stocked up while ya can!”””

Derppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Gullible fools.

LOL… I’m sure an expert like yourself could explain what will happen to ammo prices if importation of ammo is banned… Will the price go down?

What are you prattling on about?